AuthorPaulo Vitor Damo da Rosa

Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa is widely regarded as one of the best five players to ever play the game. He's a Hall of Famer with twelve Pro Tour Top 8s, including two wins - PT San Juan in 2010 and PT Kyoto in 2017. He was the 2017 Player of the Year and is currently a member of the Magic Pro League.

My Story: Part 4

In his final article for Star City Games, PVDDR tells his story of the years between his establishment as a full-time pro MTG player and his induction into the Pro Tour Hall of Fame.

It’s Orzhov Midrange’s Time To Shine In Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Standard

The choice for Standard’s next great deck may be as stark as black and white. Former MTG World Champion PVDDR explores Orzhov Midrange with Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty.

Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty First Impressions: Standard

Which Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty cards might give Standard new life? Five SCG creators kick off a week of First Impressions of the new MTG set.

Blade Of The Oni Is Bringing Black-Based Aggro Back To Standard

Blade of the Oni offers a great tool for black Standard decks. Former MTG World Champion PVDDR has two decks using the Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty preview.

Ranking Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty’s Legendary Channel Lands From Worst To First

The legendary land cycle of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty have huge potential in all MTG formats, but which ones are the best? PVDDR explains his power rankings.

How Tuesday’s Banned And Restricted Announcement Impacts Alchemy

The most recent MTG Banned and Restricted announcement came with a host of Alchemy rebalancing changes. Former MTG World Champion PVDDR breaks down their likely impact.

PV’s Top 5: Invitational Cards, Marvel Movies, And Improvements Magic Arena Needs To Make

Former MTG World Champion PVDDR shares a series of Top 5 lists, from his favorite Invitational cards to must-change parts of MTG Arena.

Innistrad: Crimson Vow Exit Interview: Standard

With Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty coming soon, it’s time for the Innistrad: Crimson Vow Exit Interviews. Which cards made the biggest impact on Standard MTG?

What’s The Alchemy Deck To Beat In This Weekend’s Arena Open?

What’s the MTG Alchemy deck to play for the Arena Open? Five SCG creators say what they’d play in the biggest Alchemy event yet.

How To Win This Weekend’s Alchemy Arena Open

With an Alchemy-format Arena Open this weekend, what is the deck to play? Former MTG World Champion PVDDR shares his strategies for success.

The Mulligan Decision Nobody Talks About

You’ve taken a mulligan and decided to keep six cards. Which card do you put on the bottom of your deck? PVDDR breaks down this little-covered part of mulliganing with principles and a quiz.

The Eight Best Decks I’ve Ever Played And The Lessons I Learned From Playing Them

Who says you can only learn from failure? Former MTG World Champion PVDDR shares the lessons he’s learned from the Top 8 decks he’s ever played.

The Five Most Influential Cards From Alchemy: Innistrad Are…

Alchemy has shaken up MTG Arena. Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa shares his Top 5 new cards from Alchemy: Innistrad and early lists that could turn into online gold.

Everything I Know About Izzet Epiphany In Innistrad: Crimson Vow Standard

After a strong team finish at the Innistrad Championship, PVDDR breaks down everything he knows about Standard’s best deck – Izzet Epiphany.

Eight Predictions For The Innistrad Championship

As the Innistrad Championship approaches, Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa reveals the eight key predictions for Innistrad: Crimson Vow Standard and Historic that shaped his deck choices.