
AuthorPatrick Chapin

Patrick Chapin, "The Innovator," is a member of the Hall of Fame class of 2012. The Pro Tour Journey into Nyx Champion and five-time Pro Tour Top 8 competitor is a renowned deckbuilder and author of both Next Level Magic and Next Level Deckbuilding.

Innovations – Pro Tour: Hollywood Tournament Report (293rd Place)

StarCityGames.com has the cards you need for your 2008 Magic the Gathering Regionals deck!
Monday, June 2nd – As we’re all aware, Patrick “The Innovator” Chapin performed badly at Pro Tour: Hollywood. While he believes he had the correct call on the format in a general sense, it appears he was let down by the specifics. In this entertaining report, he shares a few of his bad beats and spins some excellent tales of fun and frivolity. While it may not help you qualify for Nationals, it may just remind you what you’re battling for…

Innovations – Epic Fail Hollywood

Read Patrick Chapin every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Thursday, May 29th – I’m sure we all followed the Pro Tour: Hollywood coverage, and I’m sure we all did a double-take when we saw Patrick Chapin’s Day 1 record. Innovation, it seems, can be a harsh mistress. Patrick claims he has been harangued by the following question repeatedly since the PT ground to a halt, but it’s time to ask it in an official capacity. Patrick… what happened?

Innovations – Hollywood or Bust

Read Patrick Chapin every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, May 19th – Hollywood is fast approaching, and pro players everywhere are preparing to break the format. Of course, the biggest threat in the metagame flies on gossamer wings. What can be done to conquer the Fae? Do we act like Evan and bring the burn, or do we pack a dangerous 0/5 treefolk…?

Innovations – G/W in Standard Regardless of Who You Are

Read Patrick Chapin every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, May 12th – It appears that Patrick “The Innovator” Chapin has finally gone mad. Today’s Innovations is a definite break from the norm. Of course, Patrick wouldn’t be Patrick without some fresh spin on the Constructed metagame, and today’s spin is eerily similar to a StarCityGames $5000 Standard open Top 8 decklist…

Innovations – All Your Decks Are Belong To Us: Combo In Standard

Read Patrick Chapin every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, May 5th – Pro Tour: Hollywood is approaching, and people looking for a little meat in the current Standard environment. While most folk currently dine on Aggro faire, swinging for two again and again, there is more to the metagame than attacking. Today, Patrick Chapin explores two combo decks. Will these builds make a splash in Hollywood?

Innovations – Reader Mailbag (Includes Two Very Different Swan Decks)

Read Patrick Chapin every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, April 28th – Today’s Innovations sees Patrick Chapin open up his hefty mailbag, packed to the brim with requests for help from the great and good of the StarCityGames.com readership. He brings us two takes on the Swan deck, his thoughts on the current Standard and Extended metagames, and the most important paragraph on improvement at Magic that you’ll ever read…

Innovations – Ten Shadowmoor Cards

Read Patrick Chapin every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, April 21st – Shadowmoor is here, in spirit if not yet in body. Today, Patrick “The Innovator” Chapin takes us through his personal viewpoints on ten of the more exciting cardboard rectangles available in the new set. Do you agree with his assessment?

Innovations – Moving from Good to Great with Zvi Mowshowitz

Read Patrick Chapin every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Friday, April 11th – Of late, there has been an influx of psychology-themed articles, each offering tangible reasons to explain why we lose. Today’s Innovations sees Patrick Chapin and Zvi Mowshowitz, two of the game’s undeniable greats, chewing the fat on the topic in an illuminating interview… [Editor’s Note – Mike Flores will be running on Monday!]

Innovations – Introducing Seismic Swan (The Future)

Read Patrick Chapin every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, April 7th – In the forums for last Week’s Innovations, a dissenter asked Patrick Chapin to return to his innovative roots. Let’s face it, Patrick hasn’t broken the format for a few weeks now… it’s time he stepped back up to the plate. Using extensive Shadowmoor spoilers, he may well have done exactly that…

Innovations – Standard Article with Five Spicy Decklists!

Read Patrick Chapin every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, March 31st – With Pro Tour: Hollywood looming on the horizon, the Pro community has turned its sights on Standard. Today’s Innovations sees Worlds Finalist Patrick Chapin bring us not one, not two, but five decklists that could form the basis of the strategies to beat come the PT…

Innovations – Standard Article with Title that Alludes to More

Read Patrick Chapin every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, March 24th – After many months of intense Magical preparation, today’s Innovations sees Patrick Chapin letting his hair down and waxing poetic. He brings us his thoughts on Standard, shares an amusing story or two, and makes a few predictions about the upcoming Pro Tour: Hollywood…

Innovations – Grand Prix: Philadelphia Tournament Report *18th*

Read Patrick Chapin every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
Wednesday, March 19th – Patrick “The Innovator” Chapin, purveyor of Blue decks with Tarmogoyf since the beginning of time itself, rocked up to Grand Prix: Philadelphia with the latest incarnation of his signature Extended deck. After a perfect 9-0 Day 1, Patrick’s Wild Ride slowly ground to a halt… here’s how.

Innovations – Counterbalance-Flash in Vintage

Read Patrick Chapin every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!Monday, March 10th – Patrick Chapin, it seems, is in love with Counterbalance. Not content with shaping the Extended metagame with Next Level Blue, or watching Threshold take the little Blue enchantment and run to the hills, The Innovator is determined to see it played in every format available. Today, he squeezes the Coldsnap control staple into Vintage Flash, with surprising and promising results…

Innovations – The Ten Greatest Magic Players of All Time

Read Patrick Chapin every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, March 3rd – This week, Patrick takes a break from creating decklists, defining formats, and presenting theories. Instead, he offers a history lesson, and takes us through his personal list of the greatest Magic players of all time. By looking at their qualities, and remembering their dominance, we can begin to grasp just what it takes to become a truly exceptional mage…

Innovations – How to Jedi: The Mental Edge in Magic

Read Patrick Chapin every Monday... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, February 25th – Gaining a mental edge while dueling is one of the forgotten arts of Magic. With so much emphasis placed on technical perfection, it is easy to overlook the power and potential of well-executed mind manipulation. In this fantastic article, Patrick shows us a few of the techniques he employs in order to beguile his unsuspecting opponents…