Patrick Chapin

AuthorPatrick Chapin

Patrick Chapin, "The Innovator," is a member of the Hall of Fame class of 2012. The Pro Tour Journey into Nyx Champion and five-time Pro Tour Top 8 competitor is a renowned deckbuilder and author of both Next Level Magic and Next Level Deckbuilding.

Five-Color Blue Dragons

The truth may hurt, but the truth is, if you don’t know about Mike Flores’ latest Dragon deck, you’re probably already behind the #SCGPORT metagame. Pro Tour Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin helps breakdown the deck they built to put Flores back on the Pro Tour!

Dragon Control And Dragon Combo

With another Open in the books as we move on to #SCGCLE, all signs point to more and more Dragons invading the Standard landscape. With that said, how far can we push them? Pro Tour Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin answers this burning question!

The Morph Deck, Abzan, And Controversy

Pro Tour Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin talks about the surprising decks he almost played at the PT, the actual deck he went with, and of course, his fascinating Round Six. There’s a lot to learn here for #SCGPROV!

Have The Rumors Of Birthing Pod’s Death Been Greatly Exaggerated?

Pro Tour Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin is taking a break from his Pro Tour testing in order to weigh in on the increasingly diverse Modern metagame! Is Birthing Pod dead just because it’s banned?

The First Weekend Of Dragons Of Tarkir Standard

Pro Tour Champion Patrick Chapin is on his way to the upcoming Pro Tour, and he has the Invitational to thank for defining the target metagame! See his analysis of the format before it shifts at #SCGNY this weekend!

Dragons Of Tarkir Set Review: Blue, Red, And Green!

Pro Tour Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin can’t get enough Dragons of Tarkir! With this last installment of his set review series, he is full to bursting with decklist, all in plenty of time for the $20,000 Standard Open in Richmond this weekend at the #SCGINVI!

Dragons Of Tarkir Review: White

Pro Tour Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin can’t get enough Dragons of Tarkir! In his latest installment, he gives you tools for control decks, aggro decks, theme decks you never dreamed of, all in plenty of time before this weekend’s #SCGINVI!

Dragons Of Tarkir Set Review: Black

Patrick Chapin begins his acclaimed set review series with high praise, lots of theory, and of course, decklists everywhere! Get the jump on #SCGINVI this weekend!

Taking Control With Narset

As insanely diverse as Standard has been to this point, Patrick Chapin says you ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Dragons of Tarkir is going to take an already great format and turn it on its head yet again. Here, Patrick tells you the way and how.

Sultai Today, Blue Devotion Tomorrow

Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin has a deck with a reasonable G/W Devotion matchup going into #SCGDAL, but that’s not all he has! He has high expectations for the return of one of last year’s most important archetypes once Dragons of Tarkir hits shelves! Read on!

Modern At SCG Baltimore

Say what you want about Modern, but Pro Tour Champion Patrick Chapin knows a good format when he sees it. The viewer numbers, the deck diversity, and the fun all point to a sweet landscape! Patrick is here to analyze it.

The Future Of Abzan Control

Patrick Chapin returns to conclude his report on GP Memphis, complete with an updated list for Abzan Control! Make the necessary adjustments for the $5,000 Standard Premier IQ at #SCGBALT!

Abzan Control At GP Memphis

To say Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin’s travel over the weekend was unsafe would be an understatement. Read about the icy weather conditions, the unlikely wins, and the deck that Patrick took to Memphis before the $5,000 Standard Premier IQ at #SCGBALT!

Fate Reforged Standard

There is no corner of Standard left unexplored by Patrick Chapin. Fate Reforged has shaken Standard beyond expectations, and here, Patrick gives you the most comprehensive #SCGLA preview imaginable!

Gurmag Angler At Pro Tour Fate Reforged

Pro Tour Hall of Famer Patrick Chapin made a big splash with his now well-known Modern deck at the PT! Find out where things went wrong and how you can improve on the build before the $5,000 Modern Premier IQ at #SCGHOU!