AuthorMatteo Orsini-Jones

Matteo Orsini Jones is a long-time UK Pro well known for his mastery of 40-card formats. He brings his Limited expertise to via his live video draft series!

Video Drafting With Matteo – Scars of Mirrodin #10!

Friday, January 14th – In this complete Scars of Mirrodin 8-4 draft, Matteo Orsini-Jones takes you through three exciting rounds of play with a powerful U/R deck!

Video Drafting With Matteo – Scars of Mirrodin #9!

Thursday, December 30th – In this unique holiday-themed video draft, Matteo Orsini-Jones brings us a very special W/R build!

Video Drafting With Matteo – Scars of Mirrodin #8!

Thursday, December 16th – This week Matteo returns to the 40 card format with another 8-4 Scars of Mirrodin Draft! Can his U/R concoction take down the competition?

Video Drafting With Matteo – Scars of Mirrodin #7!

Thursday, December 9th – Matteo Orsini-Jones is back at it with another MTGO 8-4 Scars of Mirrodin Draft. This week his weapon is U/W – Can he get there? Tune in and find out!

Video Drafting With Matteo – Scars of Mirrodin #6!

Wednesday, December 1st – This week Matteo brings us another Scars of Mirrodin draft where he shows off his innovative post-game dubbing and walks us through a sick Infect build!

Video Drafting With Matteo – Scars of Mirrodin #5!

Thursday, November 25th – Matteo returns for another Scars 8-4 on Magic Online. This week he has Pick 1 Pack Contagion Engine vs Foil Sunblast Angel! What would you choose?

Video Drafting With Matteo – Scars of Mirrodin #4!

Friday, November 19th – Matteo-Orsini Jones returns with another full video draft, this time rocking a wild mono blue build! How did it fare? Watch and find out!

Video Drafting with Matteo – Scars of Mirrodin #3!

Thursday, November 11th – This week Matteo brings us another Scars of Mirrodin 8-4 Magic Online queue featuring G/W Metalcraft. Can he get there?

Video Drafting with Matteo – Scars of Mirrodin #2!

Thursday, November 4th – In his second video draft, Matteo takes us from the first picks to the final tables!

Video Drafting with Matteo – Scars of Mirrodin #1!

Friday, October 29th – No Magic Show today (you’ll find it Monday), so instead we have Matteo-Orsini Jones taking you through all of the picks and plays in his first Scars of Mirrodin video draft!

Draft Video with Matteo – M11 #1!

Friday, October 8th – presents its first draft video!!! Matteo Orsini Jones is a high-profile Pro player whose skill in Limited formats has propelled him to high finishes, including Top 8 of PT Kyoto 2009. Watch as he drafts M11 on Magic Online!