AuthorJonathan Sukenik

Jonathan Sukenik is an under-the-radar New England Magic Player who has cashed a number of events. He is also known as Watchwolf92 and is in the Top 20 of the 2011 Magic Online Player of the Year race and Top 4 in Scars of Mirrodin Block Constructed.

The Sukenik Special: Observing Zombies In Hawaii

Jonathan Sukenik takes a look at how both Mono-Black and B/R Zombies did at Pro Tour Dark Ascension. Should you consider eating brains in Standard at the Charlotte Open? Find out here!

The Sukenik Special – Just Hit The Same, Boring Winner

Jonathan Sukenik speaks of tennis and Magic, of the virtue of hitting the same, boring winner (play the deck that wins, not the shiny, cool, new thing).

The Sukenik Special – Burning The Secrets

Jonathan Sukenik really wants to make a graveyard-centric deck in Standard. Is staight U/R Vengeance the way to do it? Should it have Gravecrawler? Or should it play Havengul Lich?

The Sukenik Special – Junding Up Standard

Conley Woods isn’t the only one brewing up Jund decks. Jonathan Sukenik has his own version up his sleeve, using cards like Garruk Relentless and Olivia Voldaren. If you want something spicy this weekend at DC, this could be it.

The Sukenik Special – Improving Magic Online

Something I’d like to discuss today is something that I would really like the readers to get involved in. The topic? Improving Magic Online. Feel free to comment on your own thoughts!

The Sukenik Special – Burning Innistrad

Jonathan Sukenik kicks off the new year (and the start of the new Magic Online Championship season) with some Block Constructed tech and decklists. Start the season right!

The Sukenik Special – New Year’s Resolutions For 2012

Now that the new year is upon us, Jonathan takes the time to reflect on how he can improve himself both in and out of Magic. What’s the next step for Watchwolf?

The Sukenik Special – The Days Before Charlotte

Jonathan Sukenik tells the story of how he prepared for the Invitational in Charlotte and the decks he played. Be ready for late-night playtesting, brewing, and good times.

The Sukenik Special – Cards I Am Considering For Charlotte

Jonathan Sukenik has spent his days of Invitational preparation looking for vulnerable points in the Standard format. Today, he’s going over some cards that exploit common weaknesses!

The Sukenik Special – G/W Tokens For St. Louis And The Invitational

Watchwolf loves a good Watchwolf-colored deck (that is green-white). Jonathan’s G/W Tokens deck has some improvements that will help you sweep the field at the Open tomorrow.

The Sukenik Special – The Early Game

The first couple turns are vital to success in each game of Magic. Jonathan Sukenik shows you some neat tricks and examples of how the first four turns of a game can determine the winner.

The Sukenik Special – The Players Of Innistrad Block

I want to talk about all of the powerhouses and players of this single-set Block Constructed Format. It’s the best way to start your journey to the top on Magic Online!

The Sukenik Special – RDW, Infect, And Combo

Jonathan Sukenik steps out and Watchwolf92 takes over. Read about his Magic Online adventures with decks in Standard as well as Modern.

The Sukenik Special – Just Ask

Jonathan Sukenik (Watchwolf92) encourages you to ask questions, even at the risk of sounding dumb or being rejected. How does this apply to Magic? How will it help you become a better player? The answers are right here.

The Sukenik Special – Burning Through States

Jonathan Sukenik decided he’d let his hair down for States and took a “for fun” deck that played a bunch of card draw, burn spells, and Snapcaster Mage. Read about his Top 8 with Burning Vengeance. Will it pop up at Baltimore this weekend?