AuthorJim Grimmett

James is a resident of Bath, UK and a self-confessed Magic addict. In his spare time he builds and plays rogue decks, reads books and comics, and designs and builds websites. He's attended the UK Nationals since 1998.

1800 or Bust!: Planeshift? Where?

I went to a Type II tourney and no Planeshift cards showed up. What happened?

1800 or Bust! What Is 7th For?

Is the upcoming 7th edition of Magic intended to be a support set? If so, why don’t they put better cards in?

1800 or Bust!: This Great Land Of Ours

An analysis of the various types of Type II-legal lands, and how (and when) to use them.

1800 or Bust!: What Do I Want?

This is NOT an article about quitting Magic. But I’m asking why I continue to play.

1800 or Bust!: Risk Assessment

What are acceptable gains and losses when trying to gain your goals… And how can you determine them?

1800 or Bust!: Split Cards Make Things Harder

Jim’s Good Spells deck gets taken for a tournament ride this week, and he discusses the strategies behind the proper way to play split cards.

1800 or Bust!: Good Spells Done Good

A Rebels build with burn and Blastoderms. It worked… but not as well as Jim had hoped. Find out what he would have changed.

1800 Or Bust!: Thanks, Omeed!

What a difference a Type II Pro Tour makes. How many articles are out there right now written by the Pros? How many different versions of decks can we look at when building our own versions and test gauntlets? Just how clearly are the Tier One decks defined? And all this thanks to a Pro…

1800 or Bust: A Grand Weekend

This weekend was a special weekend for me – no, I didn’t qualify for PT Chicago; it was the weekend of the Bath Annual Invitational event. (Although I have been reading the live coverage on the Sideboard, and articles are definitely my favourites on there.  Pop by and check them out.) In January 2000, Paul…

1800 or Bust!: Collecting

Wow. I finally have a regular column. I was very happy to become a Featured Writer with Star City, but to have a regular slot has been my dream for some time. 1800 or Bust will be going out every Friday from now on. (Since this Thanksgiving made things a little late, we put this…

Permanent Sideboarding

Well, three days to go and the English Nationals will be upon us. I’ll be heading over to Guildford this Saturday to get some drafting practice in a couple of side events, get a nice meal down me, a few drinks with some friends and (possibly) a good night’s sleep before the big day. One…

A Call For Thought

Things didn’t take long to settle down, did they? Okay, we still have a lot of decks out there that are considered rogue and that are doing very well, but we also have a bunch of decks that everyone knows about, thanks to the omnipresence of the net. A month ago we were all looking…

White Weenie? Arrgghh!

So, last weekend was the weekend of the States. Lots of rogue decks, lots of Nether Go, , and Panthergeddon. I’ve spent some time poring over the reports I’ve seen so far, and it looks like some sort of metagame is starting to form. There seem to be a bunch of decks that, even if…

Slugs And Thallids: Multiplayer’s Respite From States

This week’s an odd one. We’re just before the States, and probably the biggest change in Magic, in the last two years. Any strategy I could give you has been hammered out by a million other strategy pundits; a million other pundits have suggested any decks I might suggest (in one form or another). That’s…

A History Of Necropotence

New sets bring new ideas – sometimes, though, a new card sparks off the memory of an older time, a time when one red mana could cause three damage, a time when white had efficient creature removal. Invasion brings us a card called Blazing Spectre. The moment I saw it, I thought fondly of my…