
AuthorIain Telfer

I've been playing Magic since a bit after Ice Age came out, and I've quit more times than I can remember. Somehow, I always seem to come back to the game; this time, let's see if I can be a little bit serious about it.

Synergy In Onslaught Limited: Go Banana!

Blue has a lot of tricks in it, and you can get very sneaky, but in the end all you have are a bunch of overpriced 1/1 dorks that die to the smallest removal. What are you going to do, alpha strike with Wizards? This is like cheering for banana.

Synergy In Onslaught Limited: The White Cards

Most players are capable of judging the face value of cards: Yes, Silvos is a good green card and Cruel Revival sure is consistent kill! This, however, is more a discussion of which cards work well with each other and what combos you should look out for while drafting, or building your sealed decks. Hence,”synergy.”

The New Extended: A New Overview

What are the core cards of the new decks? Which decks didn’t place in the Top 8, but did surprisingly well anyway? Where does the new Extended fall on the metagame clock? Lots of questions, lots of answers.

I Hate You, Milkman Clone

Legends, on the whole, make no sense. Okay, for a second here, just picture Kamahl, Fist of Krosa killing Kamahl, Pit Fighter. All right – shouldn’t this open up some sort of space time paradox wormhole which immediately blows Fist of Krosa boy up and sprays some sort of meaty goo around the room?

Playing Fetchlands Properly

I’ve seen people do it:”End of turn, tap Flooded Strand to go look for a …” The point is that there is clearly no actual reason to use the fetchland – because you’re short on land! You want to draw a land next turn. Use the damned things right.

…And If You Made The Sets Right, Spoilers Wouldn’t Bother You

Wizards shouldn’t write articles how they’re vexed with the fact that I’m allowed to judge a set on its own merits – and not as it is presented in their carefully-presented propaganda induced visions. Strangely enough, they weren’t featuring Skittish Valesk as one of their preview cards.

The Mana Curve Of Future Standard Colours

The first thing to mention about upcoming Standard is that, unless things changed dramatically, we’re going to be looking at a lot of U/G for at least the first month or two, unless I’m really missing something. The second thing to mention is that the resulting Tier One control deck will either remain U/B Tog, or be Upheaval based, or be U/W based.

A Casual Player’s Dream Set?

Gigapede is perhaps one of the best cards in the set given it’s innate comboliciousness with Violent Eruption, but the card represents a clear sign that Wizards intends for Green to have access to graveyard recursion, at least for now. Genesisseemed a little out of flavour, but was fine due to the whole”Judgement Incarnation” factor. Gigapede, on the other hand, feels like a black card.

Smells Like Urza Spirit

Ever looked at a set and thought to yourself that a mechanic looked surprisingly… Familiar? Well, not surprisingly, morph is a lot like echo in that it allows you to spread a high cost over a few turns. What effects does this have on the Constructed environment?

Where R&D Errs

How does R&D refusal to treat three-mana as a green weenie affect the environment? What does red discard mean to red’s strength as a whole? Why did white, which got weak madness activators, get the weakest madness cards as well? An analysis of what R&D didn’t do… And thoughts on what they could have done.

Gemini, Beats, and Junk: Three Decks To Look At Before Regionals

While I won’t be playing in any Regionals events (I think they’re called Provincials around here, though) this year, I’ve still been building up decks for Standard simply because I have no idea what else to do. While I have no real belief that I’m some sort of expert deck builder, perhaps the results of…

Myriad Thoughts On Blue’s Power (And How To Fix It)

I do love a good argument more than almost anything else in the world. Alpha Dan May’s article was in fact, originally an e-mail to me, which I promptly wrote a reply to – then Internet Explorer crashed and I instead decided rather than explaining to Mr. May the nature of the beast, I would…