AuthorHarry Corvese

Harry Corvese is a Northeast player who lives outside Pittsburgh. He has three Grand Prix Top 8s, a SCG Draft Open win, a SCG Standard Open win, and finished last year with 28 Pro Points, just shy of Gold. He is a member of Team TCGP.

If One More Person Suggests This Be Called “Tale Of Two GPs”

Harry recently traveled to two Grand Prix on opposite sides of the country, playing Sneak and Show in Washington DC and Esper Control in Albuquerque.

Never Had A Chance

Harry Corvese talks about his recent experience at a Theros Limited PTQ, where he made the Top 4 and learned valuable lessons about Sealed and Draft.

The Industry Standard: Winning Indy With Esper

Harry Corvese took down the Standard Open in Indianapolis this weekend, piloting Esper Control through ten rounds of swiss and then a grueling Top Eight ending with a mirror match in the finals. Read about how he triumphed here!