AuthorGlenn Jones

Glenn has over seven years of experience covering TCG events and leans on that expertise to trace the history of Magic while uncovering potential diamonds in the rough of the Modern and Legacy formats. You can catch him on Twitch, Twitter, and anywhere else they'll let him run his mouth.

A Combo Deck For New Standard

Glenn Jones typically allows the metagame to shape out before he gets to brewing, but Khans of Tarkir is shaping up interestingly enough for him to dive in and bring you one of the more unique builds we’ve seen yet!

Death And Taxes And Everything Else

Glenn Jones recently decided to bring himself to one of the more charming and fair archetypes in Legacy! Read about how he’s evolving the archetype and what list he would recommend for #SCGATL!

One-Drops In Three Dimensions

There is nothing sweeter than Cube. Period. But it doesn’t stop at powered vs. unpowered! Find out how Glenn Jones has taken Cube to a whole new level! He shows you how to play Magic like you never have before!

When The Best Deck Isn’t The Best

How great of an edge do you get from deck familiarity? How much happier are you playing a strategy you love versus the one everyone says is best? Glenn Jones says deck selection isn’t as confusing as you think. Read his advice before #SCGINVI!

More Fish In The Sea

Faeries have been making their return to old form in Modern, but Glenn Jones has his eye on another Blue tribe! Check out his reference lists, his analysis, and his current build before the IQ at #SCGDC!

Season Premieres

Glenn Jones reflects not just on Magic over the last year or on the recent OP changes, but on the importance of the power of deciding what role this great game has in your life.

Back To The Trenches

Glenn Jones reflects on his latest Pro Tour! Read about which things went successfully and which things didn’t in his testing methodology and his deck selection before #SCGNY!

Seventy-Five-Card Strategies

Ready for the upcoming Pro Tour, Glenn Jones reminds you of one of the best deckbuilding theories ever conceived and provides some priceless sideboarding advice in the wake of this weekend’s #SCGDAL!

Standardized Testing

Glenn Jones is prepping for the upcoming Pro Tour! Read about his process and his thinking. Use it to give yourself an advantage at #SCGKC this weekend!

A Pro Tour Retrospective

Glenn Jones recently qualified for another Pro Tour! In this article, he takes the opportunity to look back on his previous PT efforts and shares the lessons he learned along the way.

One Man’s Ballot

Glenn shares his recent perspective on Modern, then delves into the meat of this year’s Hall of Fame ballot and shares his thoughts as well as his vote.

The Grand Prix Experience

What goes into making a Grand Prix successful? What makes one a failure instead? Glenn looks behind the judge’s and TO’s curtain to see what makes a Grand Prix happen at all, and what kinds of stresses an event can come under.

Pyromancing The Tombstone

Glenn Jones ventured to #SCGVEGAS with a spicy one! Check out the evolution of his newest Legacy creation and see if it’s right for you for #SCGPORT!

Updating U/W Control

Glenn Jones is hot on the trail of the perfect U/W Control list! See this U/W primer complete with sideboarding guides and bonus lists before your next PTQ!

Hide and Breach in Modern

Despite the success of Pod and Twin, tons of new tech is popping up in Modern. Glenn Jones, always one for creative new deckbuilding avenues, shows off the wild Modern brew he’s been piloting!