AuthorGene Richtsmeier

Gene Richtsmeier is a frequent competitor at the top tables on the SCG Open Series circuit. He's made Top 8 of two SCG Opens, including the finals of SCG Standard Open: St. Louis.

The Industry Standard: Learning To Blitz *2nd*

Gene Richtsmeier tells you about the version of Naya Blitz that he played to the finals of #SCGSTL. See if you should try it yourself at #SCGCOL!

Lost In The Jungle

Gene thinks there’s never been a better time to play an aggro deck in Modern, so check out his three different versions of Zoo!

Getting My Season Started

Gene has a Standard deck, a Modern deck, and a Legacy deck that he’s excited to try out in upcoming PTQs and SCG Open Series events.

Matchup Analysis: BUG Delver With Alex Krenik

Gene interviews Alex Krenik for answers on how to pilot BUG Delver for anyone looking to play the deck at SCG Legacy Open: Columbus.

Matchup Analysis: Esper Stoneblade

Gene Richtsmeier asks SCG Legacy Open: Denver Top 4 competitor Ben Stepka a few questions about one of his favorite decks, Esper Stoneblade, so that you can be prepared to play or face it at SCG Legacy Open: Seattle.

Attacking Legacy

Do you want to send creatures into the Red Zone at SCG Legacy Open: Minneapolis? Then see Gene Richtsmeier’s suggestions for aggressive creature decks that can be successful in the current metagame.

Oh The Humanity

Gene Richtsmeier has been playing with Humans in both Standard and Legacy lately. Read on to see if you should fight on Humanity’s side at SCG Open Series: Kansas City this coming weekend.

Rejoice For Black Cards In M13!

If you like to play with Swamps, then Magic 2013 has a lot to offer you! Self-professed lover of mono-black decks Gene Richtsmeier goes over the black M13 cards he can see impacting Standard.

A GP Minneapolis Story (Almost)

Gene Richtsmeier was all ready to go for Standard at GP Minneapolis… Find out what kept him from attending, and read about the Naya Flicker deck with which he has been having a lot of success. Give it a try this weekend in Columbus.

Confessions Of A Losing Magic Player

Gene Richtsmeier recently traveled to two SCG Open Series events: Des Moines and Phoenix. Read how he dealt with not doing as well as he hoped and learn the way he tries to turn losses into lessons for improvement.

Enjoying Life From The Loam

Legacy is a format that is wide open to innovative approaches. Gene Richtsmeier shares his updated Life from the Loam list and why he thinks it’s well-positioned in the current Legacy metagame.

Drinking From The Deadguy Ale – Flavors Of Red

If you are a Red Mage, these are exciting times we live in. With Dark Ascension fast approaching, the one thing we know we can count on is that burning your opponent from twenty life to zero always ends the game in your favor.

Drinking From The Deadguy Ale – A Season’s Reflection

A year of Godbooks, scandals, death to Elo, rise of the Planeswalker Points, and a year of more major cash tournaments than you can shake a stick at! It’s been a good year to be a Magic player.

Preparing For The SCG Invitational/ Legacy: New Horizons

With the Open in St. Louis and the Invitational/Open in Charlotte coming up, Gene Richtsmeier helps you with your Legacy preparation by sharing a few “Horizons” decks with Knight of the Reliquary—a Legacy powerhouse!

Drinking From The Deadguy Ale – Playing Through Daze

If you’re going to SCG Open: Kansas City, make sure you know which decks have Daze and how to play around it. Without Mental Misstep, Daze is the best free counterspell left other than Force of Will.