
AuthorDaryl Bockett

Daryl Bockett has more decks than you. He has been playing since Legends-Revised and loves his cards and decks the way normal people love their children. He is a Timmy/Johnny who is all about big games, big plays and synergy, but he doesn’t believe in comboing out. He comes from New Zealand, the Land of the All Blacks, and plays Mostly Black, but has learned to love every color. He has a Ph.D. in International Relations (which he tries to relate to multiplayer theory and strategy) and teaches at Rikkyo University in Tokyo, Japan.

SCG Talent Search – Kenny Rogers Can Kiss My A**!

Monday, November 29th – Due to a mishap, Daryl’s article didn’t go up with the rest of the Casual articles. (Sorry, Daryl. 100% our fault.) Check out his article, and provide him some feedback ’cause he’s coming back next time! Nice bye!

SCG Talent Search – Finding the Fun

Thursday, November 11th – Looking back at my 16 years in the game, the memories that make me happiest aren’t just the victories. Many highlights were times when I didn’t win, but it didn’t matter, or the times when how I won meant more to me than victory.