
AuthorChris Romeo

Chris Romeo writes about cheap Standard decks. He married the woman of his dreams, Luanne Hall, in May of 2004. A lifelong Red Sox fan, Chris doesn't know how 2005, 2006, or 2007 could be better than 2004. He wrote his name on the back of a lot of Magic cards.

From Right Field: The Big Four-Oh

Read Chris Romeo... every Tuesday at
StarCityGames.com!If this here article hits this here site here on time and if you’re reading it on that day, Tuesday, July 25th, 2006, then, I turn forty tomorrow. If you’re reading it the day after it hit the site, then, it’s my birthday, and I’m forty.

From Right Field: You Knocked My Block Off!

Read Chris Romeo... every Tuesday at

Chris takes a break from the cutthroat world of Standard Magic, and tickles the soft white underbelly of Ravnica Block Constructed. He picks a playset of a pet card, and sees just how far it can take him…

From Right Field: Electrolyze This

Read Chris Romeo... every Tuesday at

For his Independence Day article, Chris cooks up a Red, White, and Blue special! If you’re looking for a patriotic deck to cut a swathe through your local tournament scene, then this is the deck for you. Even so… Izzet Chronarch? In Standard? Surely some mistake! Ah well, if the deck don’t thrill ya, the cheesecake will…

From Right Field: More ‘Vore

Read Chris Romeo... every Tuesday at

Fresh off the back of his defeat at the hands of Richard Feldman in the first round of the StarCityGames Battle Royale, Chris takes a budget look at a hardy perennial of Standard: Magnivore. Undercosted and hasty fat monsters for four mana are quite the value… does Chris’s deck have what it takes to compete aginst the Big Dogs?

From Right Field: Battle Royale!

Read Chris Romeo... every Tuesday at

Today’s “From Right Field” introduces the StarCityGames Battle Royale, in which Chris Romeo takes on Richard Feldman in a best-of-five Budget Standard Challenge! Richard’s article appears below… first, see what Chris has to offer. The Battle Royale takes place on Sunday 18th June… and you can witness each game, play-by-play! Want to know more? Then read on!

SCG Daily – The Ten-Mana Men

Chris rounds out the week of lists with a look at the Ten Mana Monsters of Magic. A Top Ten List of Ten Mana Guys… when there aren’t even ten such creatures on the Magic team-sheet? What trickery is this?! Chris reveals all…

SCG Daily – The Nine-Mana Men

Chris is steadily scaling the Mana Mountain, and the top is now in sight. However, before he reaches the summit tomorrow, he stops off at the Nine Mana Campsite. His Top 10 list will surely differ from yours… What would you pick?

SCG Daily – The Eight-Mana Men

Mr. Romeo continues his investigation of the Wobbily Monsters of Magic. Today, the Top Ten (or twelve) Eight-Mana Creatures. Just what can you buy for the price of four Wild Mongrels? Click here to find out!

SCG Daily – The Seven-Mana Men

Chris continues his Top 10 lists with a look at the Top 10 Seven-Mana Creatures in Magic. Seven mana? Well, there’s Simic Sky Swallower, and… erm… Crowd Favorites? What will Chris pick? Read on to find out…

SCG Daily – The Six-Mana Men

Today, we present two articles in our SCG Daily series. In his second article today, Chris continues where John F Rizzo left off, and presents the Top 10 Six-Mana Creatures in Magic. Will your favorite make the team?

From Right Field: Just a Glint in His Daddy’s Eye

Read Chris Romeo... every Tuesday at

Chris returns in fine form with an intriguing multicolored deck that revolves around… Glint-Eye Nephilim. A Nephilim? In Constructed? That’s playable? Surely some mistake! If you’re a player that loves drawing cards, then this deck is definitely worth a look…