AuthorCedric Phillips

Cedric Phillips is the voice of the SCG Tour®, working as its Lead Broadcaster. His playing days are (mostly) behind him as he looks for ways to grow Magic outside of casting 2/2s for one mana.

Insider Information – Barcelona Beatdown

Visit the booth at Grand Prix Seattle!
Thursday, May 28th – In the first edition of his new weekly column, Cedric Phillips takes us through the highs and lows of his journey through both days of Grand Prix: Barcelona. Packing White/Black Kithkin, he rocked out to a money finish, wrecking face with little men every step of the way. If you’re looking to run Kithkin at Seattle, this is the article for you!

Feature Article – Hitting the Heights: Top 8 at Kyoto

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Friday, March 6th – Cedric Phillips, the popular yet largely unsuccessful Magic celebrity, finally broke through and pulled off a Sunday performance at Pro Tour: Kyoto. Powered by a thunderous Kithkin deck designed in conjunction with Charles Gindy, Ced rode his skill and his luck through a field of the world’s best players. This is his story…

Chatter of the Squirrel, with Cedric Phillips

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Zac is having a week off this week. In his place, we have the inestimable Cedric Phillips! In his own words…

Disclaimer: Before I start talking about this here deck, let me get this out of the way. I don’t say “y’all”, my card choices are not “tight,” and I don’t collaborate (and listen) with “The Feldmeister.” If you were looking for those things, turn back before it gets too emo in here.

Sports, Women, and Magic – You Dirty Rat

The creator of the Rats deck discusses the new Standard format, including a brief mention of a 4-slot Canadian PTQ for Worlds where Rat decks utterly smashed the field.

Sports, Women, and Magic… or “A Look at U/G Madness in Extended”

Good man and Grand Prix: Columbus Top 8 member Cedric Phillips makes his first appearance on with analysis of Pro Tour: Columbus, the skinny on the best builds of U/G Madness, and a couple of pictures of the smokin’ hot Philadelphia Eagles cheerleaders. What’s not to love?