
AuthorCedric Phillips

Cedric Phillips is the voice of the SCG Tour®, working as its Lead Broadcaster. His playing days are (mostly) behind him as he looks for ways to grow Magic outside of casting 2/2s for one mana.

Insider Information – The Grand Prix: Washington D.C. Metagame

Read Cedric Phillips every week... At StarCityGames.com!
Friday, May 21st – The Grand Prix: Washington D.C. metagame is shaping up to be wide open, and Cedric Phillips is here to help! He believes there are eleven distinct archetypes that have a viable chance at winning the whole thing, and he shares optimal lists for each of these strategies today!

Insider Information – Blue/White Control For The Nationals Qualifier Metagame

Visit the StarCityGames.com booth at Grand Pris: Washington!
Friday, May 14th – The Nationals Qualifiers are held this weekend, and Cedric Phillips is ready with his personal take on the hardy perennial Blue/White Control. Today, he shares his personal decklist, one that eschews such staples as Baneslayer Angel, and he presents a selection of matchup and sideboarding guides!

Insider Information – The StarCityGames.com Atlanta Open

Visit the StarCityGames.com booth at Grand Pris: Washington!
Thursday, May 6th – Last weekend, Cedric rocked into Atlanta with some powerful decks and a will to win. Sadly, he didn’t manage to take home the big bucks, but he won a swathe of matches and had fun along the way. Today, he shares his decklists and thoughts on the Standard and Legacy metagames going forward.

Insider Information – Standard Questions

The StarCityGames.com Open Series returns to Atlanta!
Thursday, April 29th – Rise of the Eldrazi is here, and Standard is undergoing a metagame shift. With the StarCityGames.com Standard Open in Atlanta this weekend, Cedric Phillips brings us a host of questions that no success-seeking mage can afford to ignore…

Insider Information – Overrated and Underrated in Rise of the Eldrazi Part 2

The StarCityGames.com Open Series returns to Atlanta!
Friday, April 23rd – Last week, Cedric Phillips waded into the debate on the Constructed applications of Rise of the Eldrazi. Today, he continues in a similar vein, highlighting his personal picks for the most underrated and overrated cards in the new set. Find out Ced’s view of Consuming Vapors, Vengevine, Sarkhan the Mad, and more!

Insider Information – Overrated and Underrated in Rise of the Eldrazi

The StarCityGames.com Open Series returns to Atlanta!
Friday, April 16th – As is customary on the release of a new set, Cedric Phillips is here to evaluate the overrated and underrated cards in Rise of the Eldrazi. Do the ten-mana-monsters pass muster? Is the White Wall a good Omen? Does Student of Warfare score top marks? Read on to find out!

Insider Information – You Can’t Mise If You Don’t Try: Grand Prix Houston

The StarCityGames.com Open Series returns to Atlanta!
Friday, April 9th – With mere hours to go before he had to leave for Houston, Cedric Phillips didn’t have a plane ticket or a place to stay. Of course, if you’re Cedric Phillips, that’s not a problem. Today, he spins the story of his wild weekend as only Ced can…

Insider Information – Standard Allies

Read Cedric Phillips every week... At StarCityGames.com!
Friday, April 2nd – Cedric’s favourite deck – White Weenie – has recently been taking quite a pounding from another linear Aggro strategy: Allies. At first, Ced believed this was mere fluke… How could a deck running Hada Freeblade be good. On further inspection, Ced now realises that it’s a fine deck, and he shares his thoughts on its place in the format today.

Insider Information – The StarCityGames.com Indianapolis Open Weekend

Visit the StarCityGames.com booth at Grand Prix Houston!
Friday, March 19th – Cedric Phillips rocked to the StarCityGames.com Indianapolis Open weekend with White Weenie, Charbelcher, and high hopes. While he posted creditable performances across both disciplines, it’s left him hungry for more. Today, he shares his latest White Weenie build.

Insider Information – A Pro Tour San Diego Report, Part 2

StarCityGames.com Open Series: Indianapolis on March 13-14
Thursday, March 11th – Two weeks ago, Cedric Phillips regaled us with part 1 of his Pro Tour: San Diego report. After a week off to bring us a timely Extended Dredge primer, Ced returns to round out his PT experience, with tales of Iona in draft, sandwich sales, turn 3 Baneslayers, and more!

Insider Information – The Extended Dredge Primer

StarCityGames.com Open Series: Indianapolis on March 13-14
Thursday, March 4th – The forums have been crying out for it, and Cedric has delivered! After posting a heartbreaking 9th-place finish at Grand Prix: Oakland, Cedric Phillips presents a comprehensive primer on the Extended Dredge strategy. Card choices, matchups, sideboarding, and play tips… it’s all here!

Insider Information – A Pro Tour San Diego Report, Part 1

SCG Open Richmond!

Thursday, February 25th – After a fine performance at Grand Prix: Oakland, Cedric Phillips rocked up to Pro Tour: San Diego packing the deck for which he is famous: White Weenie! Today, he regales us with tales from the tournament floor, including match recaps for each battle during Day 1 play!

Insider Information – Nearly There: A Grand Prix Oakland Report *9th*

SCG Open Richmond!

Thursday, February 18th – Cedric Phillips practiced hard for Grand Prix: Oakland, and it paid off for him in fine style. While he didn’t quite crack the final table, he came as close as he could, and started his season off with a strong performance. Today, he shares his story…

Insider Information – More Overrated and Underrated Cards in Worldwake

Grand Prix: Oakland!

Thursday, February 4th – Cedric Phillips is never one to hold back his opinions. Last week, he shared his thoughts on a number of popular Worldwake cards, labelling them over or underrated along the way. Today, he completes this task, doling out both praise and vitriol with his customary wit.

Insider Information – Overrated and Underrated Cards in Worldwake

Grand Prix: Oakland!

Friday, January 29th – For Zendikar, Cedric Phillips presented us with his underrated and overrated cards, bursting the bubbles of some extremely hyped cards. For Worldwake, it’s business as usual! Predictably, Ced loves the weenie guys available… but how can he say bad things about Jace, the Mind Sculptor? Read on to find out!