
AuthorCedric Phillips

Cedric Phillips is the voice of the SCG Tour®, working as its Lead Broadcaster. His playing days are (mostly) behind him as he looks for ways to grow Magic outside of casting 2/2s for one mana.

Introducing StarCityGames.com’s New Online Content Coordinator

StarCityGames.com is proud to announce our new Online Content Coordinator, Cedric Phillips!

What We Do And Don’t Know About The Invitational

Attending the Invitational in Atlanta? Cedric Phillips tell you exactly what you should be prepared for. If you’re staying at home, tune in to him on @SCGLive!

Blame Karn

Cedric made the semifinals of a Magic Online PTQ last Sunday with G/R Tron. He answers commonly asked questions about his list and explains his card choices.

Consequences Of GP Charlotte

Cedric writes about what good came of GP Charlotte, what things should be changed moving forward, and what to expect from large tournaments in the future.

Naya Humans

SCGLive commentator extraordinaire Cedric Phillips recommends playing his Naya Humans list this weekend at #SCGDB or #SCGCIN.

My Prediction For Atlanta

Find out why Cedric thinks he’ll be congratulating a Mono-Red Aggro player for victory on SCGLive at this weekend’s Standard Open in Atlanta.

Underrated Cards From Gatecrash

Cedric highlights some cards in Gatecrash that he thinks are being underrated for Constructed. Get some ideas for what to play after the release!

Congratulations, You’re Exempt

Pro Tour Kyoto Top 8 competitor Cedric Phillips tells you his thoughts about sponsor’s exemptions and special invites for Pro Tours.

Improving Magic: The Gathering Coverage

GP Boston-Worcester Top 4 competitor Cedric Phillips responds to some of those who replied to him when he posted a controversial tweet about Magic: The Gathering coverage last weekend.

Building To Top 4 At GP Boston-Worcester

Cedric tells the tale of why he decided to go to Grand Prix Boston-Worcester, how he got there, and how he built his M13 Sealed deck and drafted his way to a third place finish.

M13 Draft Walkthrough #2

If you’re going to Grand Prix Boston-Worcester this weekend, get ready to play M13 Limited by reading Pro Tour Kyoto Top 8 competitor Cedric Phillips’ second written M13 Draft walkthrough.

M13 Draft Walkthrough

In order to help you prepare for Grand Prix Boston-Worcester, Cedric provides you with entertaining commentary about the picks he made in a recent Magic 2013 Draft event he participated in on Magic Online.

Oops!… I Did It Again

This past weekend, Cedric won his 11th PTQ and will be going to Pro Tour Return to Ravnica! He runs down the deck that got him there, Bant Pod, in classic Ceddy style.

Living End In Modern

If you’re looking for an alternative deck to play at Grand Prix Columbus, Cedric recommends trying Living End. Read his primer to find out how the deck works before the Modern GP this weekend.

The Best Of M13

Just like when Avacyn Restored was released a few months ago, this week PT Kyoto Top 8 competitor Cedric Phillips goes over what he feels are the best cards in each color in M13 and why.