AuthorCarmen Handy

Whether it's casting SCG Tour events or coaching up-and-coming players, Magic is on Carmen's brain 24/7. With theory-driven and introspective articles comprising a majority of her work, Carmen has established herself as an essential writer for those looking to take their game to the next level.

Curing The Monkey’s Paw: Ways To Break Wishclaw Talisman

Throne of Eldraine has no shortage of strong cards and Wishclaw Talisman is no exception! Find out why Carmen Handy thinks the two-drop Artifact could be the next format-warping tutor spell!

Stoneforge Mystic 101

Stoneforge Mystic is legal in Modern for the first time, and SCG Dallas is this weekend. That’s not much time to catch up! Luckily for players everywhere, Carmen Handy is here to teach Stoneforge Mystic 101!

How I’m Crushing Core Set 2020 Standard With Orzhov Vampires

After Orzhov Vampires got her to the finals of a Mythic Championship Qualifier she’d entered just for practice, Carmen Handy is sold on the deck in Core Set 2020 Standard! Get her card-by-card breakdown!

My First Pro Tour Mythic Championship

Like Hogaak, the old-school tournament report is arisen! Emma Handy takes you through Mythic Championship IV: the rounds, highs and lows, props and slops.

How Modern Horizons Will Shake Up SCG Philadelphia

With Bridge from Below out of Modern, it’s time for Modern Horizons cards beyond Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis and Altar of Dementia to shine! Carmen Handy shows the many ways they can at SCG Philadelphia!

What The Core Set 2020 Standard Metagame Looks Like For SCG Worcester

Week 1 of a new Standard arrives this weekend at SCG Worcester! Carmen Handy surveys the field, from old favorites receiving a revamp to all-new brews hoping to debut with a trophy!

Risen Reef Is The Best Card In Core Set 2020

Risen Reef is the new Rogue Refiner: a self-replacing three-mana body in Simic colors. Carmen Handy explores its uses ahead of SCG Worcester!

Why The Return of Gods Willing In Core Set 2020 Matters More Than You Think

Core Set 2020 previews continue to steadily unveil the new set one card at a time, and Emma Handy reminds us that one small card can make a big difference if that one card is the right card.

Why I Chose Simic Nexus For Mythic Championship III

Emma Handy thought she’d make her Mythic Championship debut in Barcelona, but she got invited to Mythic Championship III as well! She shares why she registered Simic Nexus for the event. Good luck, Emma!

Everything You Need To Know Heading Into The Season One Invitational

Standard, Modern, and the SCG Tour’s biggest names: there’s a lot to take in at the Season One Invitational! Carmen Handy has your guide to it all.

Modern Horizon Truths Nobody Wants To Hear

Somebody has to say it! Carmen Handy spills some truths on why Goblins still won’t be Modern-ready after Modern Horizons, why Slivers might be, and how Wizards of the Coast might have misjudged the set’s impact.

Playing Horizon Lands In Modern

Horizon Canopy for every (enemy) color combination! Carmen Handy has switched on the hype machine, and you’re invited to watch it get in motion!

The Rules Of Engagement In War Of The Spark Standard

Every competitor, from FNM to SCG Syracuse, deserves to know Standard’s unwritten rules of engagement. Carmen Handy shares those rules and the strategies the top decks follow!

Everything Mardu Judith

Don’t call it a comeback! Judith, Scourge Diva is simply reasserting her rightful place upon the Standard stage, and Carmen Handy is here to show you how!

Your War Of The Spark Standard Gauntlet For SCG Richmond

Plenty of existing Standard decks are getting upgrades in War of the Spark! Carmen Handy sets the gauntlet for anyone looking to conquer SCG Richmond!