AuthorCarmen Handy

Whether it's casting SCG Tour events or coaching up-and-coming players, Magic is on Carmen's brain 24/7. With theory-driven and introspective articles comprising a majority of her work, Carmen has established herself as an essential writer for those looking to take their game to the next level.

Death’s Shadow Is Splinter Twin

Wait, what? This deck is totally different! They aren’t even the same kind of card! Aside from the fact that they both make you play scared, they’re both tricky to interact with, and…wait a minute, maybe Emma has a point!

Picking Apart Death’s Shadow

As SCG Indy gets closer and closer, many are wondering if this deck is a beatable entity. What does Emma think? She takes a detailed look at the new Modern deck to beat!

Understanding Prowess In Legacy

What’s better than Dazing an opponent’s spell? Try giving your creatures +1/+1 when you do it! Emma Handy showcases her latest U/R Prowess build in Legacy and how to play it ahead of SCG Baltimore!

Modern Hate Cards For SCG Baltimore And Beyond

Why are hate cards like Stony Silence and Grafdigger’s Cage so effective in Modern, and how should you include them in your sideboard? Emma Handy has your guide for SCG Baltimore and events beyond!

More Modern Decks For SCG Regionals

Emma Handy isn’t done with describing Modern decks for SCG Regionals! If you’ve ever suited up a Slippery Bogle with a bunch of Auras, or even if you’ve ever had the dream, this article is for you!

Modern Decks For SCG Regionals

SCG Regionals is almost here! Modern will step back into the spotlight as players from all over try their hand at a Probe-less and Troll-less format! Which decks does Emma Handy recommend?

The Total Package

When commentators and players say that a deckbuilder or player has included “a package” in their decklist, what does that mean? Emma Handy talks about the house Stoneforge Mystic built before SCG Richmond!

Your Deck Sucks: A Tribute

Tuesdays aren’t the same without Mark Nestico riffing on a Magic deck! Fortunately, his long-time teammate Emma Handy is happy to be unhappy in his stead! Mark Nestico? You leaving sucks!

Let’s Get Down To Business

Have you selected your SCG Columbus deck yet? How hard is it to conquer week-one formats? Emma Handy talks about the strange process of outdoing a metagame you can’t even see!

Making Magic Fit

The tension between the want to be great at Magic and the time it takes to do it is a problem Emma Handy can help you solve! Join her for some excellent advice this week!

Building With Oath Of Ajani

Aether Revolt preview season is only just beginning, but Emma has a card she wants to brew with right now!

My First Year In Magic: Part 2

Emma Handy picks up right where she left off! For the final entry in her chronicle as a rookie grinder in 2016, read her road diary and the lessons that came with the adventure!

My First Year In Magic: Part 1

Emma Handy has played Magic for years and years, but she didn’t “go for it” the way she did this year. Spoiler alert: It has paid off well! Join Emma as she talks shop on being a Magic road warrior!

Modern Is Wonderful

Emma Handy is about to tackle #SCGINVI, but in order to do that, she has to know her Modern! And she does. And she loves it!

Fighting B/G Delirium With W/U Flash

The traditional wisdom states that Delirium is the winner in this matchup, but nothing beats preparation! Emma Handy, fresh off her top 8, wants to help you prep for #SCGINVI with this detailed guide!