
AuthorBrian Kibler

Brian Kibler has 5 Pro Tour 8s with 2 wins, 13 Grand Prix Top 8s with 3 wins, and was voted into the Magic Pro Tour Hall of Fame in 2010. He has also worked as a designer on games like the World of Warcraft TCG, VS System, SolForge, and Ascension. Now he produces game content full time, which you can find here at StarCityGames, on his website BMKGaming.com, as well as on Twitch and YouTube (www.youtube.com/bmkibler).

Video: Drafting With Kibler! RTR #1

Learn how to draft Return to Ravnica like a pro by watching and listening as two-time Pro Tour champion Brian Kibler participates in a Booster Draft on Magic Online.

#PTRTR And The Problem Of Modern

After participating in Pro Tour Return to Ravnica, Hall of Famer Brian Kibler feels that he has a good idea of what Modern’s problem is and what needs to change to improve the format.

The History Of Selesnya: Part Two

Two-time Pro Tour winner Brian Kibler concludes his series on the history of Selesnya in tournament Magic by discussing the most important W/G decks since the release of Mirrodin.

The History Of Selesnya: Part 1

Celebrate Selesnya Week with Hall of Famer Brian Kibler as he goes over green/white decks that impacted tournament Magic up until Mirrodin block.

Ramper’s Path

Brian Kibler takes a look at some of the first competitive ramp decks and how he got the nickname “Dragonmaster.” Will Return to Ravnica have its own ramp strategies? Find out before SCG Open: Cincinnati next weekend.

Returning To Ravnica

Now that virtually all of Return to Ravnica has been spoiled, this week PT Austin winner Brian Kibler is going to talk about what to do with all of the cool new cards in new Standard.

Farewell Scars And The Rise Of Midrange

Instead of talking about Return to Ravnica spoilers, Brian Kibler looks at the key cards from Scars block and M12 that will no longer be around in Standard and what that might mean moving forward.

The Players Championship

Hall of Famer Brian Kibler tells you about his Modern testing for the Players Championship with Magic superstar Jon Finkel and why it was his absolute favorite tournament he’s ever played in.

Team USA At The World Magic Cup

US Team Captain Brian Kibler goes over his experience at the first World Magic Cup, where he, Luis Scott-Vargas, Alex Binek, and Joe Pennachio played to a 12th place finish.

Preparing For The World Magic Cup

Get an inside look at the process the US Team went through to prepare for the inaugural World Magic Cup, which starts today, from US Team Captain Brian Kibler, including more insight into M13 Draft.

Brewing Black

Brian Kibler has been working on Mono-Black Control but doesn’t think it’s quite up to snuff for the SCG Standard Open in Kansas City this weekend. Check out his lists and see if you have any ideas to improve them.

M13 In Action

Brian Kibler tells you what he’s learned about M13 Sealed on Magic Online so far and shares a Mono-Black Control deck that may not be ready for the SCG Standard Open in Washington, DC but has a lot of potential.

The Lorax For A Modern Age

Brian Kibler goes over how he did at Grand Prix Columbus with Doran and how he’s continuing to work on the deck to prepare for Modern at the upcoming Players Championship.


This past week, Brian Kibler played a lot of Magic Online Cube in order to get familiar with the format for Players Championship, and he wants to pass along all the lessons he learned about Cube to you.

Building Within M13

See what tools from M13 Hall of Famer Brian Kibler is excited to use in Standard, including Quirion Dryad, Sublime Archangel, and more! Get ideas for what to play in Standard at SCG Open Series: St. Louis.