
AuthorBrad Nelson

2010 Player of the Year Brad Nelson started his Pro Tour career as FffreaK on Magic Online and quickly catapulted to the top of international Magic success. He won GP DC, the 2014 Star City Games Players' Championship, and was 2nd at PT Amsterdam. He conquered Grand Prix Omaha in 2017 without dropping a single match, one week after winning the SCG Tour event in Baltimore. He now lives in the Pacific Northwest producing top-notch video and article content.

FFfreak Week! MTGO Video with Faeries (Extended)

Wednesday, January 19th – Brad Nelson runs Faeries in an Extended Daily Event – watch FFfreak himself make the plays, consider the mulligans, and talk out his decisions. You might learn something.

FFfreak Week! Video Drafting with Brad – Scars of Mirrodin #1!

Tuesday, January 18th – Co-Player of the Year Brad Nelson brings us a Scars of Mirrodin draft walkthrough! Let’s welcome Brad to the SCG family and meanwhile, enjoy an entire week of FFfreak!

FFfreak Week! Faeries Final

Monday, January 17th – The wait is over! Brad Nelson is our newest columnist on StarCityGames.com and will be headlining every day of this week with new material! It’s the week of FFfreak!