

Baffled and confused! Two words that can describe blisterguy, and any shmuck who dares to read him. But somehow, he's still managed to go a wee bit infinite on Magic Online in his spare time and qualified for the 2005 Worlds as part of the New Zealand National team.

He Gone Done It Again – Championships *Winner*

This was meant to be a series of articles leading up to my trip to Worlds in about one month’s time. A little a bit about Standard, a touch of Draft and maybe even a bit-sized portion of Extended, but no. Now it’s a freakin’ tournament report about how I won my champs with some silly Black/Green/White aggro deck. What can I say?

The Ravnica Prerelease Survival Guide

blisterguy continues his fine tradition of doing everything short of force feeding you the spoiler in order to prepare readers for tomorrow’s prerelease. Recommended for good players and commoners alike.

I’m Gon’ Japan Part 2, Day 1

Today we present to you blisterguy’s very special story of transformation, from beach bum and harmless sheep buggerer to Magic: The Gathering Worlds competitor. Won’t you join us?

I’m Gon’ Japan! A blisterguy Odyssey

The one and only blisterguy gives you a tale so great, so brilliant, so riddled with sheep that it might just take three parts to tell, and at the end you will all feel it is worth it. Do not miss this report.

Rats Live On No Evil Star

That’s right folkses, Rats is the hawt new faunky thing that everyone wants to get a piece of. As I mentioned last week, Tim Aten got the deck from Cedric Phillips after he tore up part of the Last Chance Qualifier field at Pro Tour: Philadelphia. Aten then blazed up the Invitational with a Rats deck, and the message boards, forums and mailing lists across the internet lit up with people all saying “OMG, cool!” However, if you in turn wish to play the deck next weekend at Regionals, you’re gonna have to do better than just taking the deck from Aten and Phillips and running it out of the box like you did when you finally got Party of Five: Season 3 on DVD. That’s where I come in…

Those Silly Invitational Decks

In a typically scene-setting fashion, the players who participated in the Invitational were recently allowed to give their ever-valued opinion on Standard by playing it for three rounds, conveniently giving us all a taste of what to expect at Regionals, short of whatever we get from Saviors of Kamigawa.
‘Cept they was just having fun, yo.

Going Infinite, Or At Least Slightly Unbounded – The Blisterguy Way

He’s been hinting at it for weeks, but today blisterguy finally comes clean. You want to know how the man makes his scratch online? The secret techniques as to why he hasn’t had to pay for packs in years? The blister-approved methodology on how to never actually pay for another draft again? It’s all here folks, so go to.

Bad 80s Movies and Kamigawa Block Constructed

Today everyone’s favorite Kiwi takes a final look at the decks you are likely to see at this weekend’s Pro Tour, explains why paying attention to them can help you go infinite on MODO, and generally says a lot of blisterguy-ee type things. In short, it’s brilliant!

return of (beep)

blisterguy makes his triumphant return to regular writing today by covering the goings on in the Standard Premier Events on Magic Online – events that should be an interesting barometer for the early Regionals metagame.

Oh, Playtest Already!

Oh good lord people, there are only a few days to go. Stop just talking about it and do some playtesting! I know what you’re going to say: “I doned some playtesting, it’s all theory now and tweaking muh decklist.” Well kind sir, you’re more wrong than “prison cuddles.” if ya know what I’m sayin’.

The Prerelease Survival Guide, Darksteel Edition

Now, the important things to look out for are the horrible, nasty, tricksey tricks that your opponents may spring upon thee in an attempt to send you into the X-1 bracket. First, I’ll list the combat tricks. Remember, I refuse to acknowledge the existence of rares, because you won’t see them nearly as often as you will the following commons and uncommons.

A Quick Note On Deck Building, And In Particular, Sideboards.

Okay. So the tournament is coming up, you’ve pretty much finalized your decklist, and like the good child you are, you’ve also finalized your sideboard. Now. Imagine you find a mystical bottle behind the couch. A juice bottle, if you would. This juice bottle is old, dusty, and err, old. You rub it out of pure frustration in the hope that genie will come out and cure said frustrations. Sure enough, a genie. Whoduh thunk it?

The Mirrodin Prerelease Survival Guide

You pass the turn back to your opponent, who has four land, a 2/2, 1/3, and a 1/2 Goblin pinger in play. Seems safe, right? They then untap and spend all four of their mana – and it can be any color mana – on the card they drew this turn. It pretty much destroys your board position…. And it’s just a one-mana artifact.

Oh yeah – and it isn’t Cursed Scroll.