AuthorBing W. Luke

Qualified for the 2010 Magic World Championships with a DCI rating of 1581.

Magic Online Season Championship: Top 4 With Mono-Blue Faeries

Bing Luke, or prolepsis9 on Magic Online, made top 4 with Mono-Blue Faeries, one of the major decks in the Modern format. If you want a good deck for the PTQ season, check it out.

MTGO Video With Bant Battle Of Wits

Bing Luke, or prolepsis9, is a MOCS champion and quickly rising star both on Magic Online and in real life. This video series is more for sport, but who doesn’t love a good Battle of Wits?

Community Cup, Part 1

Bing Luke was one of a handful of players who got a chance to participate in the Magic Online Community Cup. He’s got some stories to share, some games to talk about, and some opinions on the Modern format.

The Beauty Of Gitaxian Probe, A PTQ Finals, And GP Providence

Bing Luke ran a Caw-Blade deck with Gitaxian Probe, and Probe proved to be an all-star! Check out why and hear stories from Bing about the GP, the PTQ where he made the finals, and the Community Cup.

The Beauty Of Gitaxian Probe, A PTQ Finals, And GP Providence

Bing Luke ran a Caw-Blade deck with Gitaxian Probe, and Probe proved to be an all-star! Check out why and hear stories from Bing about the GP, the PTQ where he made the finals, and the Community Cup.

19 Rounds Of Magic In 24 Hours: Win MOCS, Qualify For Nationals

Friday, April 22 – Bing Luke’s run as a columnist at SCG has already culminated in a 1st-place finish in the MOCS, qualifying him for Worlds, and to top it all off, he also qualified for Nationals earlier that same day! He can’t be stopped.

19 Rounds Of Magic In 24 Hours: Win MOCS, Qualify For Nationals

Friday, April 22 – Bing Luke’s run as a columnist at SCG has already culminated in a 1st-place finish in the MOCS, qualifying him for Worlds, and to top it all off, he also qualified for Nationals earlier that same day! He can’t be stopped.

Safer Waters Part 1: A Month Of Grinding

Tuesday, March 22 – What’s it like to be a true Magic Online grinder? Day in, day out? Trying to make Qualifying Points? Check out Bing’s journal, in which he records his day-to-day activity on Magic Online and which decks he plays.

Fish Out Of Water – Lessons Learned

Friday, March 11 – Ah, Magic Online. Its waters are warm and pleasant compared to the cold reality of paper Magic, at least for Bing Luke (prolepsis9), a champion of those waters. In Edison this past weekend, there was much to be learned.

MOCS Season 2 Report with Faeries

Friday, February 18 – Bing Luke takes Faeries to the Magic Online Championships and examines the online Extended metagame – read about his battles against a diverse field, full of MTGO ringers.

Pre-Mirrodin Besieged Extended: A Guide to Magic Online PTQs and MOCS Finals

Wednesday, February 9 – While everyone is busy speculating how Go for the Throat will change Constructed, Magic Online operates in an alternate reality where Grand Prix: Atlanta isn’t the end of Extended as we know it, but really the launching point for the new metagame.

Reading an Opponent: The Narrative of the Game

Wednesday, January 19th – What’s the narrative of a game of Magic? Bing Luke writes an insightful article on controlling the information flow from you to your opponent and vice versa, which can make or break games of Magic.

Making the Jump from MTGO to Paper

Monday, January 3rd – Is MTGO a tool or a crutch? Bing Luke, the lowest rated player at Worlds, qualified through an online tournament and had to make a fast jump from pixels to paper. Learn from his mistakes and unique perspective!

Punts on the Big Stage: Tales from a Brick

Thursday, December 23rd – The “Lowest Rated Player at Worlds” entered the tournament having barely touched the paper cards. Experience Magic backwards with MTGO grinder Bing Luke, who goes from PC to paper.

MOCS Player of the Year! or “The Lowest Rated Player at Worlds”

Thursday, November 4th – Bing Luke has only played four sanctioned matches of Magic in his life. His fifth will be at Worlds in Chiba, Japan. How did he get there? Read his report with Gerry Thompson’s U/B deck.