Ben Bleiweiss

AuthorBen Bleiweiss

Ben has been involved for over 20 years with Magic, including two tenures as a weekly columnist for WotC, eight Pro Tour appearances, providing coverage for the Pro Tour, and being a financial expert on Magic values. Ben started as an employee at SCG in 2003 as a card buyer and is now the General Manager.

The Top 10 Ben Bleiweiss Articles of All Time

About Ben Bleiweiss: Ben Bleiweiss is one of the most popular Magic writers on the internet, if you include everybody. Aside from failing to make Day 2 on the Pro Tour seven times, Ben managed to choke the one time he did make the second day in Mainz, going 0-2-1 the last draft table to finish in 24th place. When he’s not presiding over his duties as janitor of StarCityGames.com, Ben has been known to be a part of the Wizard Pro Tour coverage team, where he is ranked first worldwide in fetching McDonalds for Josh Bennett and the R&D staff.

Blog Fanatic: Deck Lists – The Silent Killer

Thousands of players each year receive game and match losses due to imporper deck registration. In today’s installment of Blog Fanatic, Ben looks at what can go wrong while registering your deck list, and what you can do to avoid losing to your own registration mistakes!

Blog Fanatic: Me And Zvi And Netrunner Makes Three

Magic is my foremost gaming passion, and it has been an integral part of my life for over a decade. It isn’t the only game I’ve ever tried – I’ll admit that I’ve openly cheated on my one true love with other brazen hussies in the gaming world. Today are some stories about the other collectible card games that I’ve played over the last years of my life.

Blog Fanatic: Making Your Garden Grow – Lessons from Chad Ellis

Ben lays it all down as he gives the reasons why he thinks Competitive American Magic is on life support – and what can be done to resusitate it. Read about what is killing the community, why it’s killing the community, and how YOU can be a part of the solution instead of part of the problem. Learn why Chad Ellis could well be the savior of the entire competitive American Magic community in today’s installment of Blog Fanatic!

Votesyp Timoiso Reeverosa: My Invitational Vote

Hey boys and girls! It’s time for this year’s Magic Invitational! This year, they let me, Ben Bleiweiss, get a vote in the Internet Writer’s Vote category. It’s my solemn duty to uphold the traditions of voting from years past, in which thousands of the great unwashed would vote in players from years past who had not actually played a game of Magic for a full year! Seriously though, this is no Chris Pikula memorial vote – this is a vote for the best and the brightest players and personalities in the game of Magic.

Blog Fanatic: My Favorite Three Episodes of Lost

Today’s Blog Fanatic contains three strange cases of the Bleiweiss kind. Each of these, while often unbelieveable, is completely true and it gives an indication of exactly why most members of the StarCityGames.com staff do not let Bleiweiss lead or give directions on a road trip.

The Top 50 Artifacts of All Time

Nobody, but nobody does lists like The Bleiweiss, and when Ben heard that Wizards was doing “Artifact Week” he had to reprise his old role as the master list maker, except this time we’re publishing it here at StarCityGames.com!

Blog Fanatic: Getting in Shape

Today Ben takes on the weightest issue of them all: the health of Magic players everywhere. If you are fed up with being overweight, having too little energy, getting tired walking up stairs, having low self-esteem, or are just looking to improve the general quality of your life, The Bleiweiss is here for you.

Blog Fanatic: Silky Smooth

In one of the most amusing Blog Fanatic installments yet, Ben tackles some of the weightier issues in our game, like how to hate your arch-rival out of the metagame, and the proper way to teach your teammates how to catch cheaters in the act!

SCG Daily – Blog Fanatic: Mister Nice

Who is the mysterious Mr. Nice and what powers does he have over the game of Magic? How did Mr. Nice help Ben overcome his arch-nemsis, Vinny “The Pimp” Falcone? And just what about all those Millions of Unusual Small Creatures Lurking Everywhere? The only way to find the answers to these questions is to tune into today’s Blog Fanatic!

Blog Fanatic: Vinny the Pimp

Vinny Falcone. Vinny “The Pimp” Falcone. Vinny “I got your number Mr. Ben Bleiweiss” Falcone. My nemesis. My scourge. My some other name of a Magic set. Vinny, Vidi, Vici. He came, he saw, he conquered. There’s one person in all of Magic who has my number all of the time, and that person is — say it all at once, and say it loud — Vincent Falcone.

SCG Daily – Blog Fanatic: Owning Neutral Ground

You demanded it and we made it happen. Blog Fanatic returns for a two-week stint on SCG Daily today, and Ben kicks things off right, reminiscing about the early day of Neutral Ground and one player who simply could not beat him, no matter how good the odds.

The Top 20 Betrayers of Kamigawa Cards to Trade For!

Ben Bleiweiss is one of the most knowledgeable buyers and sellers of Magic cards on the planet and is the driving force behind keeping StarCityGames.com’s prices ahead of the competition. Being the cynical Magic player that you are, you decide that you aren’t impressed by his 90% success rate when he ranked Champions of Kamigawa and want to know why you should listen to what he has to say this time. The answer? Because you can’t afford not to!

The Year in Preview: The 10 Biggest Magic Events and Trends of 2005!

Bleiweiss had a hell of a 2004! He was one of the most popular writers on our site, became the most reviled man in the Type One community, and predicted Magic card trends like none other. He’s back to kick off 2005 with a brand new set of predictions for the game we know and love. Which ones will come true and which ones will set off a firestorm of controversy? You’ll have to read the article to find out!

Blog Fanatic: Vintage Restricting Vintage

Last week, Stephen Menendian wrote an excellent article about removing several cards from the Vintage restricted list. Much discussion ensued, both on StarCityGames.com and TheManaDrain.com forums. All through the debates about what should or shouldn’t be unrestricted, I saw an underlying question that fuelled the entire debate, but was never spoken out loud: I wrote my article as a response to Stephen’s article, and finally the right questions were asked – though not in the way you might have thought.