Ben Bleiweiss

AuthorBen Bleiweiss

Ben has been involved for over 20 years with Magic, including two tenures as a weekly columnist for WotC, eight Pro Tour appearances, providing coverage for the Pro Tour, and being a financial expert on Magic values. Ben started as an employee at SCG in 2003 as a card buyer and is now the General Manager.

The Real Deal – The Future Sight is Now!

Official Future Sight sneak previews have begun popping up, and the set looks completely insane! At least one card that’s been spoiled is guaranteed by Ben to be banned / restricted. Read today’s edition of The Real Deal to find out about Future Sight, new card frames, and much more!

The Real Deal – What’s Hot and What’s Not?

In today’s edition of The Real Deal, Ben gives you hot tips about which cards are burning up in price, and which are going cold! Find out the ten biggest movers in Standard, the most desired foil cards in Magic, and much more! This is an absolute must-read article!

The Real Deal – My Interview With Wizards Regarding Two-Headed Giant

Two-Headed Giant is a format going through some growing pains. There were some issues at the 2007 State Championships and at Grand Prix: Amsterdam. In this week’s article, I get answers about the ups and downs of Two-Headed Giant direct from some people in-the-know at Wizards of the Coast!

The Real Deal – The Secret Lives of Card Collections!

In today’s edition of the Real Deal, Ben spins some yarns about his current vacation in New Orleans, and tells tales about some of the more interesting collections he’s bought for StarCityGames.com over the years. Ever been mailed a used toilet instead of a Mox? Ben has…

The Real Deal – Marriage, Vacation, News

There’s been a lot going on lately, both with StarCityGames.com and with my personal life. Have I mentioned lately that I’m getting married in August? No? Well then, let me catch you up with all the latest goings on in both Bleiweissville and the land of StarCityGames.com!

The Real Deal – Community

What is the responsibility of the Magic Community to the Magic Community? Are you helping Magic grow or die in your area? Do you enjoy the time you spend playing the game, or do you play out of habit? In this introspective article, Ben explores what it means to be a member of the Magic Community.

The Real Deal – Five Ways to Fix Green

Tired of people whining about Green and not offering suggestions on how to fix the flavor of the color? In today’s edition of The Real Deal, Ben proposes five ways to make Green a much more interesting, well-rounded color. If you’re a fan of the Forests, this is an article you just simply cannot miss!

The Real Deal – Ben Bleiweiss’s Totally Complete Planar Chaos Set Review (Part 3 of 3)

Typically, the first part of a set review gets the most hits, and then subsequent parts get incrementally fewer hits. So, let’s just pretend like this is Part 1 of my Totally Complete Planar Chaos Set Review! That’s right, click on this article to get my wit, vigor, and other bodily fluids that contribute to everything you need or don’t need to know about Planar Chaos.

In This Week’s Ben’s Corner: Little Jack Horner! (And/or news about Extended Cards)

The Real Deal – Ben Bleiweiss’s Totally Complete Planar Chaos Set Review (Part 2 of 3)

Ben’s back for Part 2 of his Totally Complete Planar Chaos Set Review! In today’s article, Ben discusses the strategy, artwork, flavor text, mechanics, design, and taste of Planar Chaos!

In this week’s Ben’s Corner: Several new promo cards have been added to the site!

The Real Deal – Ben Bleiweiss’s Totally Complete Planar Chaos Set Review (Part 1 of 3)

Tired of those traditional set reviews that just give you information that you already know? Hate those one-star to five-star rating systems? In today’s edition of The Real Deal, Ben tackles the cards in Planar Chaos, from every angle — playability, artwork, flavor text, design, and much much more. Don’t forget to check out Ben’s Corner at the end of the column for up-to-the-minute StarCityGames.com site news!

The Real Deal – Planar Chaotic?

In today’s edition of The Real Deal, Ben examines the choices R&D made in choosing the Planeshifted cards in Planar Chaos. Within their own internal logic did these choices make sense? Ben weighs in with his opinion.

Also: Having trouble figuring out which new products StarCityGames.com is carrying? Ben wants to know how to let you know when new products become available on site!

8-Post: I Would Qualify If I Had Time To Play

After going 25-0 with a budget build of the Cloudpost/Vesuva deck, Ben began working on the deck for competitive play. After a month of testing and hundreds of playtest matches, he’s come up with a deck that he feels is a winner. Unfortunately, he has no time to attend PTQs. Will you be the one to pilot his deck to a Pro Tour slot?

The Financial Value of Planar Chaos

Planar Chaos!
Ben is back again with the full lowdown for Planar Chaos, based on information gathered from the MTGSalvation.com spoiler. Do you want to know which cards will be hottest at your prerelease? Want to know which you should trade away, and which you should hoard like no tomorrow? Let the General Manager of StarCityGames.com fill you in on the key cards to keep, and those you can do without!

The Real Deal – In With The Old, In With The New

In today’s edition of The Real Deal, Ben writes a companion piece to his Value of Planar Chaos Premium article (above). Which current Standard Legal cards does Ben think will rise in value due to Planar Chaos? Read on to find out!

Ben Takes On The Great Designer Search, Part 3: Silver and Gold

For part 3 of the Designer Contest, Ben was challenged to avoid the official articles on MagicTheGathering.com, and work only with the instructions given by Wizards of the Coast, with a 72-hour timeline. These are his results!

*DISCLAIMER*: If you are a Wizards of the Coast employee, I give you full legal rights to use any of the cards, ideas or concepts contained within this article, without further obligation!