What Does Standard Look Like With The Arrival Of Innistrad: Midnight Hunt?
What’s the deck to play in Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Standard? Six top SCG minds share their best lists to take on tournaments or the MTG Arena ladder.
What’s the deck to play in Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Standard? Six top SCG minds share their best lists to take on tournaments or the MTG Arena ladder.
Standard 2022 continues to see interest on MTG Arena, but what would the World Champion play there? Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa and four other SCG creators share their picks.
With Modern Horizons 2 and Adventures in the Forgotten Realms added to the mix, what’s the Modern deck to play? Seven top MTG minds give their picks.
Is Historic still a Brainstorm format, or have new challengers risen? Four SCG creators choose their top MTG Historic decks.
Looking to play Standard with Adventures in the Forgotten Realms? World Champion PVDDR and other SCG creators share their decks of choice.
Autumn Burchett had a 12-1 game record with Five-Color Niv-Mizzet at the Strixhaven Championship. Get their insights into the deck and a sideboarding guide.
One Kaldheim card got banned in Modern. Another forced a rules change. Did Tibalt or his Trickery come out on top after all the votes were counted?
After six weeks of Kaldheim in Historic, how did our creators’ early predictions pan out? World Champion PVDDR and other SCG creators look back.
Eight SCG creators revisit their first impressions of Kaldheim for Standard, sharing their hits, misses, and surprise breakout cards.
Autumn Burchett breaks down the differences between Adventures decks before offering play advice for their latest Naya Fury build.
Is Mono-Red Aggro the deck to beat in Kaldheim Standard… or not even the best aggro deck in the format? Five SCG creators say what they’d play.
Autumn Burchett breaks down everything they know about the emerging titan of Kaldheim Standard — Mono-White Aggro!
With Uro gone from Historic, do you play a top deck untouched by the ban, or do you try to go another level? Seven SCG creators weigh in.
After a wild weekend of Kaldheim Standard action, what’s the next move? Eight SCG creators say what they’d play.
With Kaldheim entering the Historic mix, what’s the deck to play? Five SCG creators share their thoughts and decklists.