
AuthorAri Lax

Ari Lax has been a Pro Tour mainstay for nearly the last decade. Over that time he has accumulated nine Grand Prix top eights and won Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir in 2014. Despite a long time affinity for combo decks, he approaches the game in methodical fashion, always looking for decks that play better than he does and make winning easy.

Modern Season One Review

This week, Ari Lax shifts to Modern. He has a complete review of how the first Modern PTQ season’s metagame has evolved. Find out all about Modern and why you should try playing this fun Eternal format.

Welcome To The Dream World

Ari Lax decided to take a walk on the sleepy side with a completely different combo deck for Grand Prix Indianapolis: Dream Halls, designed by brothers James and William Heslip!

My Logic Of Legacy

Ari Lax goes over all of the Legacy decks he is seriously considering playing at Grand Prix Indianapolis. Discover what decks made his Top 5 and why and find out what you should play in Legacy at StarCityGames.com Open: Tampa.

Stitched Together In Standard

Ari Lax breaks down what the best type of deck is for local events, PTQs, Grand Prix, and Pro Tours. Also find Ari’s suggested list to play at either Grand Prix Baltimore or StarCityGames.com Open: Memphis.

A History From Hawaii: Archetype By Archetype

Ari Lax describes his testing sequence, archetype by archetype. If you want to know what testing for a big event entails, check this article out, and get the scoop on the Standard format for Charlotte this weekend.

First Pick At Dark Ascension

Ari Lax looks at Dark Ascension Limited from a bird’s eye view, looking at each color’s curve and seeing how Dark Ascension helps fill in the gaps. Get the low down before Richmond’s Draft Opens on Sunday.

About This Tokens Thing

Ari Lax asks some pertinent questions about the new Tokens deck that is coming with Dark Ascension. What cards does it get? Is the metagame ready for it? How do you beat it?

Four Views Of A PTQ

Ari Lax talks about the four decks he and his friends played at the PTQ on Saturday. Four different archetypes in one car and multiple Top 8 appearances.

Modern Crash Course

Here’s the crash course for anyone looking to enter Modern for the PTQ season. What are the false assumptions about the format? The big decks?

How to Draft if You Know How to Draft

Once you’ve been around for a while, your goal is no longer “How do I draft a functional deck?” and more “How do I draft a winning deck?” And I’m going to show you how.

An Intro To Modern Affinity

A year ago, I wouldn’t be caught dead playing a deck like this. Now, it’s a different story. You get to play four auto-wins? Sign me up!

A New Blue Mage’s Diary

Ari Lax tries to play blue cards in Legacy, the ones everyone says are the best. He learns some interesting new things and comes out with some unique decklists before settling on an answer.