
AuthorAri Lax

Ari Lax has been a Pro Tour mainstay for nearly the last decade. Over that time he has accumulated nine Grand Prix top eights and won Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir in 2014. Despite a long time affinity for combo decks, he approaches the game in methodical fashion, always looking for decks that play better than he does and make winning easy.

Flow Of Ideas

This week Ari provides you with some snippets of wisdom from the pseudo-notebook on his computer, touching on emotional control, focusing on what matters, and more!

Video: Melira Pod In Modern

This week Grand Prix Nashville finalist Ari Lax plays a few rounds with Melira Pod. See if you should consider trying it yourself before Grand Prix Detroit next month!

Block To The Future

Ari takes a look at Block Constructed for those who want to grind out a few Magic Online Daily Events while they still can and to speculate about the upcoming new Standard format.

Video: G/R Tron In Modern

Watch as six-time Grand Prix Top 8 competitor Ari Lax plays G/R Tron against a number of different matchups to see if you should play it at your next Modern event!

Playing (Semi)Fair In Modern

Ari writes about the G/R Tron deck he played in the MOCS, tells you how he did, goes over what he learned from it, and talks about a couple other decks he considered playing.

Video: R/B Burn In Modern

In this week’s videos, Grand Prix Nashville finalist Ari Lax demonstrates the power of R/B Burn. See if you should try to burn your opponents out at your next Modern event!

Modern Metagame Levels

Learn the ins and outs of how to break down the levels of a metagame and prepare for the MOCS this weekend by joining Ari as he analyzes the current Modern metagame.

Video: Kiki Pod In Modern

If you’re looking for a deck to play at your next Modern event, watch as Ari Lax plays some matches with Kiki Pod, the deck he used to make Top 8 of Grand Prix Kansas City.

Spotlight: Brave The Elements

Six-time Grand Prix Top 8 competitor Ari Lax does some brewing with Brave the Elements in Standard. Be sure to take a look before #SCGNY and #SCGSLC this weekend!

Spotlight: Burning Earth

Ari explains why you should be playing Burning Earth in the current Standard metagame and brainstorms ways to utilize it. Get some ideas for #SCGKNOX and #SCGMINN!

M14 From The Booth

Ari Lax shares what he learned about M14 Sealed and Standard while he was commentating for SCGLive at #SCGRICH so you can be ready for #SCGINVI in New Jersey this weekend.

First Pick At M14

Ari provides a thorough, detailed breakdown of the M14 Draft format. Be sure not to miss it if you plan on attending the SCG Team Sealed Open in Richmond this weekend!

Kiki-Pod In BBQ Town

Ari Lax made Top 8 at Grand Prix: Kansas City this weekend with Kiki-Pod. Read about his deckbuilding decisions, and why he thinks Kiki-Pod is a strong archetype for future consideration!

Lessons From The Couch

In order to get a handle on current Standard, GP Nashville finalist Ari Lax watched the entirety of GP Miami coverage. Check out his stream of thoughts from it before #SCGMA!

Modern Cheat Sheet

Ari breaks down every relevant deck in Modern: why you should consider playing it, what it is bad against, how to build it, and how it matters in the big picture of the format.