AuthorAndrew Shrout

Andrew Shrout is a semi-professional Magic player and Magic Online ringer perhaps better known as JohnnyHotSauce. He has five SCG Top 8s with two wins, competed in the 2012 Magic Online Championship, and earned a Top 8 at Pro Tour Dragon's Maze.

Deck Selection Animal Style

Want to attack the Standard metagame with something different at #SCGDET? Find out how from Pro Tour Dragon’s Maze Top 8 competitor Andrew Shrout!

Gettin’ ‘Em Dead In Charlotte

Andrew talks sideboarding strategy for Naya Aggro and what he learned about Standard and Legacy at #SCGLA heading into #SCGINVI in Charlotte this weekend.

Notes From The Other Side

Andrew writes about what he learned at #SCGSEA, his first tournament as a member of the coverage team rather than a player, before he heads to #SCGLA.

One Door Closes, Another Opens

Andrew Shrout talks about Storm at Grand Prix Richmond, making Top 4 of a Standard PTQ with Naya Aggro, and his new gig on the coverage team!

The Worst Kept Secret In Modern

If you’re thinking about playing Storm at Grand Prix Richmond, check out Andrew’s tips for how to play it and further explanation of his card choices.

Highs & Lows In Valencia

Read Andrew Shrout’s latest article to see how he did at Pro Tour Born of the Gods and why he’ll be playing Storm at Grand Prix Richmond next weekend.

The Philosophy Of Fair

Before SCG Legacy Open: St. Louis this weekend, find out why Andrew will probably be putting Death and Taxes back on the shelf after Grand Prix Paris.

Fresh Look At Selesnya

Pro Tour Dragon’s Maze Top 8 competitor Andrew Shrout writes how he might go about updating G/W Aggro just in time for SCG Standard Open: New Jersey!

Baits, Switches, & Post-Board Strategies

In his debut as a regular writer for, Andrew Shrout tells you why he’ll probably be playing U/W Control at the Standard Open in Nashville.

The Industry Standard: The Advent Of The Wurm

The Industry Standard returns with Andrew Shrout telling you about the G/W Aggro deck he took to the finals of SCG Standard Open: Indianapolis.

The Industry Standard: Prime Speaker Bant At #SCGCOL *5th*

Andrew Shrout put Prime Speaker Bant on the map yet again at the SCG Standard Open in Columbus. Read on to find out more about the deck before #SCGPHILLY!