
AuthorAdrian Sullivan

Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir semifinalist Adrian Sullivan is considered one of the most influential writers and players in Magic history. Voted one of the Top 20 deckbuilders of all time by his Pro Tour peers, his decks have appeared in the Top 8 of major events for almost 20 years.

Sullivan Library – Evaluating Rise of the Eldrazi

The StarCityGames.com Open Series returns to Atlanta!
Tuesday, April 20th – Rise of the Eldrazi offers up a selection of powerful cards for Constructed play. While everyone knows Gideon Jura and Vengevine are strong contenders, there’s a slew of other cards that promise much, and Adrian Sullivan is here to spill the beans on the cards he believes are set to shake the formats!

Sullivan Library – New Extended Thoughts As We Hit The Finish Line

The StarCityGames.com Open Series returns to Atlanta!
Tuesday, April 6th – With a smattering of Extended PTQs yet to fire, Adrian Sullivan examines a selection of powerful yet rogue strategies that emerged from the top tables of Grand Prix: Houston. If you’re looking for a new deck to spice up your final week of PTQ action, let Adrian lead the way!

Sullivan Library – Digesting Standard’s Big Weekend

Visit the StarCityGames.com booth at Grand Prix Houston!
Tuesday, March 30th – The dust has settled over a record-breaking weekend for Standard competition, and it seems that Jund is still ridiculous. Adrian Sullivan examines the results from the StarCityGames.com Orlando Standard Open and Grand Prix: Brussels, and draws some interesting conclusions.

Sullivan Library – Zoo is King: The State of Extended

Visit the StarCityGames.com booth at Grand Prix Houston!
Thursday, March 25th – The Extended season is winding down, but there are still a few PTQs available to the road-hardened player. Adrian Sullivan examines the current state of the durable and versatile Zoo list, highlighting a number of successful strategies and selecting the one he believes is the way to win in the current climate.

Sullivan Library – Balls to the Walls in Standard

Visit the StarCityGames.com booth at Grand Prix Houston!
Thursday, March 18th – Adrian Sullivan has been a strong supporter of Mono-Red in Standard for many a month. In today’s Sullivan Library, he discusses the latest evolution to the deck, the strategy, and his outlook on the color in general. If you’re looking to set the world alight, let Adrian provide the matches!

Sullivan Library – Midwest Masters Minneapolis

StarCityGames.com Open Series: Indianapolis on March 13-14
Tuesday, March 9th – In today’s edition of the Sullivan Library, Adrian looks at the results from the recent Midwest Masters Series tournament in Minneapolis. While the presence of Jund is once again dominant, there is much innovation to be found; perfect information for those attending the StarCityGames.com Standard Open in Indianapolis this weekend!

Sullivan Library – The Impact of Pro Tour San Diego on Standard

SCG Open Richmond!

Thursday, February 25th – With the results from Pro Tour: San Diego in the books, and all eyes turned to Richmond for this weekend’s StarCityGames.com Standard Open, Adrian Sullivan sorts through the statistics and brings us the lowdown on the real decks that made the “Top 8.”

Sullivan Library – Worldwake in Extended

SCG Open Richmond!

Wednesday, February 17th – With Worldwake making a splash in many a Constructed format, it seems that Extended has its fair share of new card goodness. OR does it? Adrian examines the results from the recent Oakland Grand Prix and Roanoke PTQ, with an eye to the impact made by the fresh set…

Sullivan Library – My Cup Overfloweth

Grand Prix: Oakland!

Tuesday, February 9th – Everflowing Chalice is a curious card. A lot of folk think this is no more than a terrible Mind Stone, while others believe that a terrible Mind Stone is actually very desirable. Adrian Sullivan believes it could open up a slew of cool interactions, and he brainstorms the subject today.

Sullivan Library – How To Beat A Firewalker With Flame

Grand Prix: Oakland!

Tuesday, February 2nd – Aggressive Red decks have existed in a multitude of forms for many Magical years… but does a certain Worldwake uncommon creature spell doom for the fans of the flame? Adrian Sullivan, a long-time proponent of Red strategies, investigates a selection of ways to combat the Firewalking menace.

Sullivan Library – A Substantive Spoiling of Worldwake

Grand Prix: Oakland!

Wednesday, January 27th – We’re mere days from the Worldwake prerelease, and the spoilers are coming thick and fast. Adrian Sullivan wades into the new cards with a deckbuilder’s eye, separating the wheat from the chaff and sharing his insight on the new set. He also explains why he changed his initial views on Path to Exile with help from Brian Kowal…

Sullivan Library – Getting Value From Discourse

Grand Prix: Oakland!

Wednesday, January 20th – In Magic, strong opinions abound. Of course, without the proper framework for intelligent debate and discussion, disagreements regarding our game often lead nowhere. Today, Adrian Sullivan shares his insight on gaining the most out of strategic discourse…

Sullivan Library – The Sullivan Special for Extended

Read Adrian Sullivan every week... at StarCityGames.com!
Thursday, January 14th – The current Extended format is proving to be full of interesting decks and strategies. Adrian Sullivan decided that the format needed one more, and brewed up an intriguing Black/Red Scepter-Ascension deck, powering through a PTQ field on the way to a Top 4 result. Today, he discusses the genesis of the deck.

Sullivan Library – Sorting Through Standard Jund

The StarCityGames.com Open Series returns to Dallas/Fort Worth!
Thursday, January 7th – Last weekend, LSV won the StarCityGames.com Los Angeles Standard Open with a Jund-wrecking UWR Control build. So where does that leave the Jund pilot today? With the SCG Dallas / Fort Worth Open weekend mere days away, Adrian Sullivan examines the latest evolution of the deck we all love to hate…

Sullivan Library – Finding Blitz Sligh for 2010

The StarCityGames.com Open Series returns to Dallas/Fort Worth!
Thursday, December 31st – In his fifteen years of Magic, Adrian Sullivan has been associated with a variety of strategies. Recently, he’s been a vocal champion of Red decks, and with 2010 looming into view, he examines the archetype with an eye on the new Standard metagame, and this weekend’s StarCityGames.com Open Series: Los Angeles!