
AuthorAdrian Sullivan

Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir semifinalist Adrian Sullivan is considered one of the most influential writers and players in Magic history. Voted one of the Top 20 deckbuilders of all time by his Pro Tour peers, his decks have appeared in the Top 8 of major events for almost 20 years.

Burn’s Last Blaze: Standard Burn Before Rotation

The season isn’t over yet! Get all the inside information about Adrian’s collaboration with Matt Sperling in coming to build the list that went to a Pro Tour Top 8! See if his updated list is what you need to take down #SCGATL this weekend!

Block To The Future

Adrian Sullivan shows you a LOT of cards that have the potential to be huge going into next month! See Adrian’s thoughts on the future before he attempts to take down #SCGSTL this weekend!

Khans Of Tarkir Spoiler: Utter End!

Adrian Sullivan has his hands on a card with an effect so universally powerful, that it has to be seen to be believed! Take it away, Adrian!

Decks For The SCG Invitational Or WMCQ

In a nearly complete format with tons of different deck options and almost no edge, what do you do? Adrian Sullivan solves the dilemma and provides you with the decks he would play at #SCGINVI!

Getting Magic: History, Expectation, And Embarrassment

One of the biggest pitfalls of unrealized potential in Magic is to judge cards too quickly. This week, Adrian Sullivan studies a few examples of why you should never dismiss a card with great potential!

184 Modern Decklists

Nobody breaks down metagame statistics the way Adrian Sullivan does. Read this statistics-laden breakdown of a good-sized Modern PTQ to see what decks are the real contenders and which may not have what it takes…

Data Mining Standard At Pro Tour Magic 2015

Don’t be fooled by the Pro Tour Top 8! Mixed format tournaments can put a huge misleading spin on the metagame and sidetrack players trying to get a handle on it. Let Adrian show you the Standard stats that matter before #SCGNY!

The New Path To The Pro Tour (And A Bit Of Modern)

Adrian Sullivan discusses the new PTQ changes from both sides of the argument and, of course, keeps us up to date on the Modern format heading towards #SCGDAL!

Modern Before Boston

Adrian Sullivan gives you a huge and detailed rundown of what the Modern format has to offer. Utilizing results that only he could track down, he shows you the side of this Modern season you’ve never seen! Read up before #SCGKC!

The M15 Red Review

Adrian Sullivan, one of the foremost experts on fiery spells and angry little haste creatures, brings you his well-informed insights on all of the red that M15 has to offer!

Why I Play Trading Post

In this in-depth article, Adrian explains how amazing both Trading Post and Elixir of Immortality are for Standard’s current control builds. This is a can’t-miss read for all of you Sphinx’s Revelation casters!

Revisiting Burn With M15

Adrian first authored the Philosophy of Fire, and today he’s using that philosophical perspective on post-Magic 2015 Standard to figure out what the proper build of a Burn deck should look like.

Sullivan Library: U/W Control At Grand Prix Chicago

Adrian has been actively working on U/W Control for some time now, and is eminently rewarded for his efforts and expertise with a Top 4 at Grand Prix Chicago this past weekend.

First Hits in Modern

Adrian Sullivan breaks down the first good data of Modern PTQ season! In this analysis, he takes a diverse top 8 and starts the long process of defining the seasonal metagame!

320 Modern Decks. 4 Lessons.

Adrian Sullivan loves statistics as much as anyone. He’s taken it upon himself to mine a plethora of important data about the Modern format. Some of the results may surprise you…