AuthorAaron Barich

Aaron Barich is the 2018 Season One Invitational Champion. With deck choices as wild as her style, Barich is a stand out of competitive Magic. Proficient in all things aggressive, she can be found trying to find the best way to cast a combat trick at GPs and Opens around the US or on her stream.

Third Time’s The Charm: How I Won SCG Knoxville With Golgari Yawgmoth

Aaron Barich took down SCG Knoxville with a surprising deck! Get her insights into Golgari Yawgmoth for Modern.

Spitting Fire: How I Won SCG Worcester With Mono-Red Aggro

Aaron Barich set SCG Worcester on fire and collected a trophy from its ashes! Get her sideboarding guide and her advice for playing with — or against — Mono-Red Aggro this weekend at SCG Philadelphia!

The Expectation Age

The SCG Invitational Champion speaks! Join Aaron for a look at her big SCG CON experience and her explanation on how she sawed through the field toward the trophy at the end!

The Industry Standard: Courage

This amazing Standard format continues to reward innovation. Thinking critically about the game is a much better strategy than imitating previous success blindly. Just ask Aaron Barich. The Open Series semifinalist has some important words for you about fear before #SCGATL.

The Industry Standard: The Tale Of Wolf & Rat

Find out if you should play Aaron Barich’s Naya Aggro deck from the Top 4 of #SCGDAL at #SCGDET this weekend by reading the latest The Industry Standard.

The Industry Standard: Burn Those Burning-Trees *6th & 1st*

Aaron Barich talks about the evolution of the Naya Aggro deck that he played to back-to-back Top 8s at #SCGDAL. Eschew Burning-Tree Emissary at #SCGBALT!

Europe’s last Foothold on the Big Island Called North America: Where To Party During Grand Prix Montreal

Have you seen The Score? If not, don’t worry – I won’t be giving away much away. (I mean it; I’m a fanatic about movies, and I really don’t want to ruin this so-so flick for anyone). Well, this movie claims to take place in Montreal… But if you come up here, don’t expect to…