Yo! MTG Taps! Episode 65 – A Beautiful Mindslaver

Bigheadjoe is joined by the Mothership’s Adam Styborski for some serious fun as they discuss their experiences at the New Phyrexia Prereleases and share some rogue ideas for Legacy, Standard, Commander, and Pauper Cube.

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Show notes:

Bigheadjoe is joined by the Mothership’s Adam Styborski for some serious fun as they discuss their experiences at the New Phyrexia Prereleases and share some rogue ideas for Legacy, Standard, Commander, and Pauper Cube.

Read Adam Styborski’s column, Serious Fun, every week on DailyMTG.com

Check out Adam’s Pauper Cube blog!

Featuring music by Tha Gatherin’

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