Video: Jeskai Land Destruction In Modern! What happens when control elements meet land destruction in Modern? You get to watch Shaun McLaren have all the fun — and his opponents none! — ahead of SCG Louisville! By Shaun McLaren September 12, 2017 Share Tweet Reddit Email Copy Link Link copied! Jeskai Land Destruction Shaun McLaren Test deck on 09-12-2017 Modern Creatures (8) 4 Wall of Omens4 Snapcaster Mage Planeswalkers (1) 1 Ajani Vengeant Lands (25) 1 Plains1 Mountain2 Island4 Flooded Strand1 Sacred Foundry1 Steam Vents1 Ghost Quarter2 Hallowed Fountain1 Glacial Fortress4 Scalding Tarn3 Celestial Colonnade4 Tectonic Edge Spells (26) 4 Serum Visions2 Lightning Helix4 Remand2 Electrolyze4 Cryptic Command4 Spreading Seas4 Oust2 Supreme Verdict Sideboard 1 Crucible of Worlds1 Engineered Explosives2 Lightning Helix2 Negate2 Relic of Progenitus1 Stony Silence1 Jace, Architect of Thought1 Wear1 Anger of the Gods1 Crumble to Dust2 Ceremonious Rejection Share Tweet Reddit Email Copy Link Link copied!