
The Main Phase, Episode 11 – U.S. Nationals

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Monday, August 11th – This year’s United States National Championships in Chicago taught me a few very important things. One, Kithkin is still good and Soul Snuffers saw no play, like I said. Two, you know how nobody really knew if the “control red deck” would ever be good? Well, I think that two copies in the Top 4 should end that discussion…

This year’s United States National Championships in Chicago taught me a few very important things.

One, Kithkin is still good and Soul Snuffers saw no play, like I said.

Two, you know how nobody really knew if the “control red deck” would ever be good? Well, I think that two copies in the Top 4 should end that discussion.

Three, Torta sandwiches are pretty much unreal.

Can I get an amen to that?

I learned many other things over the course of National Championship weekend…

Like first turn land and Black Lotus into Bitterblossom and Nezumi Shortfang on the play sometimes just isn’t enough to with you a Cube draft.

… But for now I will let you learn some lessons from the following interviews I took while in Chicago. Enjoy.

It ends rather abruptly, as you can see… sadly, my camera tape ran out at that point, and I didn’t have a second. Believe me, I’ll be better prepared next time.

I hope you enjoyed the show this week. I’ll see you again later, and remember: ten cent commons beat ten dollar rares every single time.
