
The Magic Show #176 – The Magic Cruise 2010

SCG Open Richmond!

Friday, February 19th – Hello everybody, and welcome to another edition of the Magic Show. This week we’re going on the high seas to Key West, Grand Cayman Islands, and Jamaica to bring you one of the best times of the year for a Magic player… the Magic Cruise! Join me as I take you to all the sights, sounds, and wild times on the Carnival Freedom cruise ship.

Hello everybody, and welcome to another edition of the Magic Show. This week we’re going on the high seas to Key West, Grand Cayman Islands, and Jamaica to bring you one of the best times of the year for a Magic player… the Magic Cruise! Join me as I take you to all the sights, sounds, and wild times on the Carnival Freedom cruise ship.

This trip would not have taken place without the awesomeness that is Legion Events, StarCityGames, and of course you the viewers for supporting me in these crazy endeavors.

Wanna join me and the other cruisers on the next cruise? Sign up here!

Until next week when I’m live from the Pro Tour, this is Evan Erwin. Tapping the cards and rocking the high seas so you don’t have to!

Evan “misterorange” Erwin
Community Manager