
The Magic Show #119 – GP: Kansas City

Watch Evan Erwin every week... on StarCityGames.com!
Friday, October 24th – Hello everybody, and welcome to another edition of the Magic Show. This week we’re live in Kansas City and bringing you the biggest and brightest stars in Magic as they discuss Shards Limited, stopping the Fae & Five-Color in Standard, the importance of Grand Prixs, and more. Let’s go!

Hello everybody, and welcome to another edition of the Magic Show. This week we’re live in Kansas City and bringing you the biggest and brightest stars in Magic as they discuss Shards Limited, stopping the Fae & Five-Color in Standard, the importance of Grand Prixs, and more. Let’s go!

Griffin Rhodes

Topics covered (in order):

Shards of Alara Sealed Secrets
Shards of Alara Drafting Secrets
Can Fae Five-Color Be Stopped In Standard?
Grand Prix versus Pro Tour Importance
Card You’re Hoping To Open in Shards Limited

Special thanks to all those who took the time to talk to me. If your interview didn’t make it, worry not–it was probably audio problems that caused its excision (It’s not you, it’s me). I was testing a new shotgun mic on my camera and learned a few valuable lessons on what noise level is and isn’t acceptable when using it in the future.

Until next week, when we stare down the barrel of States, this is Evan Erwin. Tapping the cards… so you don’t have to.

Evan “misterorange” Erwin
dubya dubya dubya dot misterorangeproductions dot com
eerwin +at+ gmail +dot+ com