The Open Series is hitting the South this weekend for #SCGNASH, and I think I speak for everyone when I say it will be great to dodge the snow for once! After chilly stops in Columbus and Baltimore this year, I am ready for a visit to the Music City, where we all get a chance to see a new Standard with Born of the Gods and to eat our fill of delicious barbecue. Plus Nashville has a nice history of stacked Top 8s producing champions like Gerry Thompson, Chris VanMeter, and Lauren Nolen. With a slew of talented Open Series grinders making plans to show up, I’d say we can bank on exciting action all weekend long.

Take a look at that Top 5! A scant 29 points separates first from fifth at the top of the #SCGPC leaderboard, and a semifinals appearance in either main event for Brian Braun-Duin or Brad Nelson would put a new name on top of the list for the first time since its creation! The race for first place and a secure spot in the sixteen-player SCG Players’ Championship is on, and I’m ready for fireworks.
After this past weekend’s break from the Open Series due to the Born of the Gods Prerelease, the Top 32 remained the same for a week, but that will change for the next couple of months. The Open Series schedule is packed solid, with an event every weekend until #GPRichmond presented by on March 7-9 and following that an event every weekend until the Journey Into Nyx Prerelease. Hope you’re ready to grind!
For those not traveling to Nashville, there is also a Team Sealed Classic in Richmond, Virginia this Saturday. So if playing Limited alongside two of your best friends is more up your alley than battling in Standard and Legacy, SCG has you covered there as well. #SCGRICH will be the best way to get some hands-on experience in Theros/Born of the Gods Limited in one of the most fun formats around!
Enough buildup, let’s get to this weekend’s festivities in Nashville and Richmond!

The Nashville Music City Center will be our home this weekend in the Davidson Ballroom BC – Level 1M. And if the Opens don’t go your way, the location is downtown and surrounded by activities to take your mind off the bad beats. The Music City Center is across the street from the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum and is within walking distance of many parks and restaurants.

Now let’s take a look at the special guests for #SCGNASH!
First up is Magic artist rk post. Post has done some truly iconic pieces, such as Arbor Elf, Avatar of Woe (regular and Pro Tour promo foil), Concentrate (Planechase 2012), Faerie Macabre, Ichorid, Morphling, Sakashima the Impostor, Simic Sky Swallower, and Torchling.
Magic artist Clint Cearley will also be in Nashville this weekend. You can find his art featured on these popular cards: Curse of Death’s Hold, Geist-Honored Monk, Grapeshot (Modern Masters), Intangible Virtue, Notion Thief, Putrefy (Izzet v. Golgari), Sever the Bloodline, Syncopate (Return to Ravnica), and Vampire Outcasts.
Ron Faris will be painting custom card alterations at the event! Check out his unique alters by following him on Facebook or checking out his blog. As always, you can email him at for commission information.
Victoria Shedd will be selling, taking orders, and creating hand-painted cards and will soon start creating playmats. Please check out her work on her website or on Facebook. For any other information, she can be reached by email at
Finally, Chris King will be in Nashville making alters as well. Place custom orders on his website!
This weekend we are proud to have @SCGLive on hand providing the best Magic: The Gathering coverage around! It will be the 2014 debut for Osyp Lebedowicz, and welcoming him back to the booth will be Matthias Hunt. Join Hunt and Lebedowicz along with the rest of the SCGLive team on Twitch all weekend starting at 11:30 AM EST on Saturday for all the action!
Follow along on Twitter and Facebook for all the fun by using the hashtag #SCGNASH. For those playing in the event, use @SCGPairings to find your opponent each round, see results, and check the standings.
As for #SCGRICH and the Sealed Classic . . .

The Team Sealed Classic will take place in the Greater Richmond Convention Center in Exhibit Hall D. For the Classic, members of the Top 4 teams all earn invites to an Invitational and prize payouts go to teams that make the Top 8. The Classic starts at 9 AM EST Saturday and pays out $5,000 in cash prizes. For those attending, there are many food options very close to the Convention Center.

Whether you’re playing in Nashville or Richmond this weekend, good luck and have fun! I’ll see those of you that make the trip to Nashville.