SCG Daily – From Right Field: Da Man

Chris’s special ode to the man that draws few hotties, but who Chris still feels produces the best Magic art out there.

I’m very impressed by many artists that contribute to Magic cards. As you can tell from yesterday, I think John Avon is about the best nature artist. I like Brom so much that I actually bought a book of his. (And it wasn’t cheap. Also, Desolation Angel should have been somewhere on one of the lists. I feel bad having not picked it.) rk post’s stuff has grace and style that are all his own. Ron Spencer brings a ferocity that’s hard to match while Rebecca Guay is his foil with her serene scenes. Greg Staples is moving up my list of favorites, and, while doing this, I found out that I really like Rob Alexander. And, of course, who doesn’t like the variety of styles that Terese Nielsen uses?

You’d think that, with all of the talented artists to choose from, I’d have a hard time deciding which one is my favorite. It’s not hard at all, actually. In fact, it’s easy. With no hesitation, I say Kev Walker is hands down my favorite Magic artist.

The Kev Walker List

Arashi, the Sky Asunder

There doesn’t seem to be any level of drama that Walker isn’t good at, but cataclysmic stuff is his forte, I think. Look closely at this. The thing’s called The Sky Asunder. There is no doubt from this art that the creature depicted can simply annihilate any creature that flies. It looks even better as a foil. (I know because the first one I pulled was foil.)

Bladewing the Risen

If I had to describe what a Dragon who can reanimate other Dragons looks like, well, it would look exactly like this.

Dimir Cutpurse

This is the other end of the drama scale. Small, cramped, and utterly packed with detail. You could write an entire story around what’s going on here.

Emperor Crocodile

Funny how much JMS and I have in common, at least as far as Magic goes. He writes about adding the King Croc to a deck this week, and I mention it as a great piece of Kev Walker art. In this one, I love how he drives home the suddenness of the Croc’s movement by showing the water rushing out of his mouth.

Final Judgment

If the world ends on the whim of a Kami, it will surely look exactly like this.

Giant Warthog

How can you illustrate a concept like Trample? Now that I’ve seen this, it seems obvious. (Then again, so did ketchup in plastic squeeze bottles, but it wasn’t until 1979 that anyone did it.) This guy is so tightly wound, he’s about to burst. When he does, you won’t be able to stop him with a little squirrel. He’s going right over that sucker.

Gravel Slinger

Never has a 1/3 creature looked so fearsome.

Hand of Cruelty

You want drama? Look at that horse. The Samurai is clearly a bad mutha hush yo mouth, but if he doesn’t get you, his mount will. Promise.

Krosan Beast

There’s a special place in my heart for this guy. I used him in a U/G Madness deck before they were called U/G Madness decks, and he won me a tourney. I love squirrels. I especially love deadly ones the size of a double-wide trailer.

Krosan Tusker

How does something so big move so fast?

Leonin Skyhunter

It’s only a 2/2 flier, but Walker makes it seem ferocious. In the end, in a well-done White Weenie deck, it is pretty ferocious.


It would have to be, wouldn’t it?

Myr Cycle

Only someone with Walker’s talent could make a cycle of 1/1’s look so tough. Check out Leaden Myr.

Mystic Crusader

Much like the Giant Warthog, this guy is coiled to strike. Of course, it’s in a different manner. The Warthog is about to lose control. This guy is biding his time until he becomes a flying harbinger of death.


Talk about over the top, this is it. Of course, we’re talking about a spell that wipes out everything but enchantments and indestructible permanents. That would mean that it’s not actually over the top but, rather, dead on.

Patron of the Nezumi

If a race of human-like Rats had a Legendary Spirit for a Patron, he’d better be one vicious freak. Turns out he is.

Phyrexian Plaguelord

This guy most definitely looks like the kind of creature that can turn dying weenies into death for the other guy. The kilt’s just frosting on the cake.

Roar of the Wurm

There have been many Wurms throughout the short history of this game, and none ruled in its time like this guy did. I know that there’s almost no way for an artist to know when he’s doing his thing whether or not a card is going to end up being a key card in a Tier One deck. On the other hand, doesn’t this one just scream, "I will win games for you single-handedly"?

Seizan, Perverter of Truth

How would you illustrate how a Spirit version of Loki would look during an inter-dimensional war? Like this. There is no doubt that this guy is surely the Perverter of Truth.

Sengir Vampire

As you can probably tell, I like updates of classic cards, mostly because I wasn’t around when they originally appeared. It’s even better when the new art adds a dimension to the card. This Sengir is clearly the Alpha Vampire.


More apocalyptic deliciousness. How can he keep coming up with new and (more importantly) good ways to illustrate the end of the world?

Spirit Link

I never thought that anyone could out do Kaja Foglio’s Spirit Link. That one was so iconic that it was on the box of the original Magic computer game. Then, Walker came up with his 8E version that was a tribute to Ms. Foglio’s original. Not content, he then outdid himself on the 9E version.

Squee’s Revenge

Okay, so maybe it’s just because Squee is on here, but Walker doing Squee is a delight.

Swarm of Rats

That gleam in his eye just sends chills down my spine.

Takenuma Bleeder

The perspective is what does it for me with the Bleeder. You’re at eye level with a murderous hunchback. That crooked finger demanding you come closer just makes it more disturbing.

Visara the Dreadful

She can destroy any – any – creature in the game (provided that it doesn’t have protection from any of her qualities). A creature that strong should have art that is just as devastating. She does.

Wrath of God

The end of the world never looked so good.

One final card I want you to look at. It’s not Extended legal, but it is a piece of Kev Walker art, my all-time favorite piece. It’s Telim’Tor’s Edict. The best art should transport you in some way. When I see a piece that really strikes me, I often find myself in a frame of mind in which I actually feel like I’m becoming part of the art. This is one of those pieces. When I look at this long enough, I feel like I’m part of that crowd. I can feel the dust in my lungs. I can feel the tension of the others around me. I get goose bumps.

That’s it for this week. You know where to find me on Mondays.

Chris Romeo