MTGCast #179 – The Vermin of Almost-Tampa

The $5,000 Standard Open Series Comes to Nashville!Wednesday, November 4th – Join the MTGCast guys for another fun-filled journey around the various corners of the Magic universe!

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MTGCast #179 – The Vermin of Almost-Tampa
“You read it somewhere else, but you heard it here first!”

This Week in Magic
Couple of new hot news items includes the announcement of the upcoming M:TG PC game, Tactics with a new online, 3D experience – watch the youtube video to get zero idea what the game is like. Congratulations to Taisuke Ishii for winning and defeating Masashi Oiso in the finals at Grand Prix Kitakyushu. Conley and Gavin then talk about GP Tampa (and the various vermin of the Tampa Days Inn). Check out the live coverage of magic events at Good Games Live (

What Have We Been Playing?
Gavin and Conley getting in the GP frenzy and World’s in Rome! Tom is looking at Standard for GP Minneapolis on November 14-15 and send him an email if you are going to be there!

Listener Emails
So many good emails! Tom’s question of the week is “What is the oddest / dumbest / strangest magic-related bet or wager you have ever made”? Link to the “Priceless Treasure” YouTube video.

MTGCast News
Tom is excited for GP Minneapolis on November 14-15! The Zendikar booster box giveaway is officially closed and the winners will be announced next week. Our iPhone application is officially available and here is a link to the iTunes store for it ($1.99). Check out Russell T’s very nice blog, Gwafa’s Bazaar, focusing on the trading and financial side of magic.

And just to prove Conley wrong, link to the ND Tourism TV Ad youtube video. Please, please watch it.

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