MTGCast #138 – Orb of Insight, Official Press, and Legendary EDH!

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Wednesday, January 14th – On today’s MTGCast podcast, there’s discussion on the latest batch of Conflux rumors, the Orb of Insight, and the fast-approaching Conflux Prerelease!

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MTGCast #138 – Orb of Insight, Official Press, and Legendary EDH!

“You read it somewhere else, but you heard it here first!”

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Welcome to our special guest host, Jack from NC!

Conflux Scuttlebutt
We go through a number of our favorite cards spoiled for Conflux so far, follow along on the unofficial Conflux Spoiler! Includes Countersquall, Nyxathid, Banefire, Volcanic Fallout, Matca Rioters, Kaleidostone and more.

This Week in Magic
The Conflux Orb of Insight is live and the busy beavers of MTGS are already working hard. Bunch of great info regarding Conflux prereleases was revealed with the info regarding the Prerelease kit for tourney organizers.

A big week for Gavin (and MTGCast) being mentioned in three articles in the past two weeks on! Read about Gavin in two Mike Flores articles (article one, article two) and a mention of Tom and MTGCast in Aaron Forsythe article!

User Corner
Tons of great emails, Day of Destiny decks, new players and a pretty wicked all legendary EDH deck featuring horsemanship! Also, email your answer to the question of what 5 cards would you Doomsday for in a Mirage constructed deck? (email to

MTGCast News
The card donation drive is going great. Thanks to everyone who has donated and listen to here the latest updates.

Welcome to two new shows on the network: Super Sunday Show with analysis of PTQ’s and The Upkeep with a unique spin on magic news.

Emails, Comments and COMMENT CONTEST!
The winner this week of the deck challenge is … Andrew of the Legendary EDH deck!
The winner this week of the comment challenge is … dranoel!

This is a new weekly contest where I announce a deck challenge and ask for feedback on the podcast, you post a response (or story) on the forums. Then, I will give out two prizes each week, one to a great deck and one to comments / suggestions!

This week’s deck challenge card is: That Which Was Taken!
Prizes of the week: Xbox 360 Nissa Revane console skin and Tom’s Worlds 2008 press pass!

Leave a voice mail on our new phone line – 469-277-2278
So why wait? Call in with any questions, news items, hints, tricks, combos, or anything!

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Contact Us!
Call us and leave a voice message at 469-277-2278, that’s 469-277-CAST!
Join the MTGCast Facebook Group – Discussion, Photos, Videos and More!
Tom at

Gavin at

Combo of the Week!
Tom: Conflux + Dream Halls
Jack: Brion Stoutarm + Mirror Entity + Ceaseless Searblades

Tom & Gavin (& Jack) – Your Monday Night Magic news team!