What’s Black and Blue all over, and even a little Red in places? Thankfully, it’s not my arse* after the
Prerelease, but the deck I played. For some reason, it seems that attendance was down across the board for the Coldsnap
Prereleases. I’m sure there was an exception here or there, before you head off to the forums with your flaming
pitchforks and lion-taming chairs, but the drop in turnout does seem pretty widespread.
This meant that we had plenty of judges available, so that when I sidled up to our Tournament Organiser Chris and
asked if he would mind terribly if I entered the first flight instead of judging it, he naturally said “goooo!
dribble, dribble”
After clearing up the misunderstanding where I mistook Chris’s adorable widdle six month old son Blair for a
T.O. slash Level 3 judge, I sat down to build my deck from the following card pool.
Creatures (45)
- 2 Aurochs Herd
- 1 Balduvian Fallen
- 1 Balduvian Frostwaker
- 1 Balduvian Warlord
- 1 Blizzard Specter
- 1 Bull Aurochs
- 1 Chilling Shade
- 1 Deepfire Elemental
- 2 Drelnoch
- 2 Frost Raptor
- 1 Garza Zol, Plague Queen
- 1 Goblin Rimerunner
- 2 Gutless Ghoul
- 1 Jotun Owl Keeper
- 1 Karplusan Strider
- 3 Karplusan Wolverine
- 2 Kjeldoran Gargoyle
- 2 Krovikan Mist
- 1 Krovikan Scoundrel
- 1 Lovisa Coldeyes
- 1 Martyr of Frost
- 1 Martyr of Sands
- 2 Martyr of Spores
- 1 Ohran Yeti
- 1 Orcish Bloodpainter
- 1 Phobian Phantasm
- 1 Phyrexian Snowcrusher
- 1 Rimebound Dead
- 2 Ronom Hulk
- 1 Ronom Unicorn
- 1 Stalking Yeti
- 1 Surging Sentinels
- 1 Void Maw
- 2 Zombie Musher
Lands (6)
Spells (24)
- 1 Frozen Solid
- 1 Commandeer
- 1 Counterbalance
- 1 Feast of Flesh
- 1 Freyalise's Radiance
- 2 Gelid Shackles
- 1 Grim Harvest
- 1 Into the North
- 2 Kjeldoran War Cry
- 1 Krovikan Rot
- 1 Mishra's Bauble
- 1 Rite of Flame
- 1 Rune Snag
- 1 Shape of the Wiitigo
- 1 Skred
- 1 Sound the Call
- 1 Surging Dementia
- 2 Surging Flame
- 1 Surging Might
- 1 Swift Maneuver
- 1 Thermal Flux
Wait! This isn’t Monday, this isn’t the Ferrett’s weekly column!** What is all of this In Real
Life Limited hooplah? Bear with me ladies and gents, I won’t dwell on this long. Basically, I tried to build an
efficient build around my two nuts rares, the Void Maw and the Garza Zol, Plague Queen. Going with Black, Blue, and Red
also gave me some wee flyers, some good burn and a couple of unblockable Zombie Mushers, which spent the day being quite
ridiculous. This is what I ended up playing.
Creatures (16)
- 1 Balduvian Fallen
- 1 Blizzard Specter
- 2 Frost Raptor
- 1 Garza Zol, Plague Queen
- 2 Gutless Ghoul
- 2 Krovikan Mist
- 1 Krovikan Scoundrel
- 1 Phobian Phantasm
- 1 Phyrexian Snowcrusher
- 1 Stalking Yeti
- 1 Void Maw
- 2 Zombie Musher
Lands (18)
Spells (6)
I’m not too proud to admit I made a mistake or two while building the deck. For instance, I misread Deepfire
Elemental and assumed it was basically an obese Mox Monkey. If you look at the card, the first line of rules text says
“XX1: Destroy target artifact or…” which when you start reading, makes you think of the Gorilla
Shaman. When your eyes scan down naturally to the end of the second line of rules text, you basically miss the word
“creature” and assume it is just the same. I know I’m not crazy here, because several other people at
the prerelease had the same experience apparently. The worst bit was the fact that I sideboarded him in as added fat a
couple of times, and still failed to spot its awesomeness. The other card I sideboarded in often was the Rune
Snag, which succeeded in Countering countless large beasts and sorceries that threatened my very existence at the table.
Cards that were questionable in making the cut were the Phobian Phantasm and the Balduvian Fallen, who both showed
promise in the choking my game plan with their Cumulative Upkeeps approach to Magic. The Balduvian Fallen at least
seemed like it would take the opponent down pretty quickly if unanswered now and again, but the Phobian Phantasm was
surprisingly ineffective. The pure Black Upkeep cost meant it wasn’t hanging around long enough to really do
anything that may resemble smashing face. Thankfully, sideboarding did in fact save the day, and despite seeming to lose
a game in every match I played, I ended up going undefeated by repeatedly turning my flyers and Mushers to the left and
subtracting numbers from my opponent’s life totals.
Speaking of winning, let’s take a peek at what has been winning at Standard on Magic Online in the last week.
But lo, what is this? ‘Tis a sample from the mailbag from Winged-Weasel from the StarCityGames.com forums.
I have a question/suggestion for you. You may have addressed this in a previous iteration of your column (as I
said I have only started reading recently). Is it possible for you to list the tournament number or date/time or some
other identifier of the tournament that each deck is from?
Possibly in the form:
Current listing method
Tournament # X
Top 8
Tournament # Y
Top 8
I realize this could be a fair about of extra work depending on your method for tallying up the Top 8s. I just
have found myself sometimes unable to locate some of the decks that have made the elimination rounds by searching the
Is this viable? If not, no big deal, I just feel it would be a great asset to be able to go directly to the
tournament in question to take a look at the decks. Thanks!
Thanks for taking the time to write to me Winged-Weasel! Yes, you are right. Listing the tournaments individually
would mean extra work, but more importantly in my opinion, it would fragment our view of the overall results. As you
know, I lump all of the results together to give you the total number of times a given deck archetype made it into a
Premier Event Top 8. This helps to show the popularity, or lack of therein of any deck in the field at a glance, which I
think is slightly more important than being able to see if we could follow trends from one Top 8 to the next. Here are
the results.
9 (10) Ninja Stompy (Green/Red/Blue Aggro Control)
9 (6) Blue/Red/Green Urzatron
7 (5) Simic Aggro Control (Blue/Green)
7 (4) Magnivore (Blue/Red Land Destruction Control)
6 (9) Zoo (Green/White/Red Aggro)
5 (10) Izzetron (Blue/Red Urzatron Control)
5 (1) Blue/Black/White Reanimator
4 (4) Hand in Hand (Black/White Aggro Control)
4 (1) Heartbeat (Heartbeat of Spring/Early Harvest Combo)
3 (1) Izzet Control (Blue/Red Control)
3 (4) Boros Deck Wins (Red/White Aggro)
2 (0) Selesnya Aggro Control (Green/White Aggro Control)
2 (3) Orzhov Husk (Black/White Aggro)
2 (0) Black/Red/White Control
1 (3) Hierarch Control (Green/White/Black Control)
1 (2) Simic Snake Aggro Control (Green/Blue)
1 (2) Dimir Control (Blue/Black Control)
1 (2) Firemane Control (Blue/White/Red Control)
1 (1) Dovescape (Green/White/Blue Aggro Control)
1 (1) Gruul Beats (Green/Red Aggro)
1 (0) Green/White/Black Greater Good Control
1 (0) Blue/Green/White Aggro Control
1 (0) Black/Red/White Aggro Control
1 (0) Blue/White/Black Control
1 (0) Green/Red/White Control
0 (4) Rakdos Aggro (Red/Black)
0 (2) Azorius Control (White/Blue)
0 (1) Ghost Dad (Black/White)
0 (1) White Weenie
0 (1) Green/White/Blue Glare of Subdual
0 (1) Green/Blue/White Control
0 (1) Green/Blue/Black Aggro Control
Surprise Mailbag elbow-drop from januseyes, from StarCityGames.com forums!
10 (6) Izzetron (Blue/Red Urzatron Control)
6 (8) Blue/Red/Green Urzatron
I’m curious as to why more Tron players seem to be going with the R/U version – or why the R/U version is
proving more successful than the (generally regarded to be) superior R/U/g.
Thanks for dropping me a line, januseyes! I have to admit, I was a little surprised by those results too, and as you
can see from this week, things are swinging around to the way you and I both assumed they would, with straight Izzetron
trailing behind the splash-Green version by 9 positions to 5. As to why it can be the other way around, there can be
many different reasons, of which not nearly enough of them involve chocolate.
Some people might choose to play only two colors over three in a deck to add some resilience to cards like Blood
Moon (and in some older formats, Back to Basics). The problem here is that Izzetron typically runs around 11 to 12 lands
that tap for colored mana, while the rest pump out the good, clean colorless stuff. This means that Izzetron is just as
vulnerable to having its mana compromised as a three-color version. Another reason might be that some people perhaps
fail to see the benefit derived from running Simic Sky Swallower over Keiga, or vice-versa. I guess time will tell on
that front at least.
And from Sebio10
Looking back through your previous MTGO articles I was able to find a decklist for Sea Stompy (Week #9).
However, that listing is one from PT: Honolulu and does not include any Dissension cards. As Sea Stompy is one of the
decks that is putting up consistently good numbers, and seems to be one of the few decks that can consistently beat Tron
Wildfire of all colors, I was wondering if we could get an updated list. If that’s not possible, then maybe a short note
on the trends that you have seen in the deck.
The things I’m most interested in: are people are using Trygon Predator plus Jitte, or are they using
Burning-Tree Shaman and Moldervine Cloak? Are the majority of lists running Silhana Ledgewalker or are they sticking to
Dryad Sophisticate? Are people maindecking any Rumbling Slums? Lastly, I’d like to see what you think the most common
burn package for the deck is. Are people still using Electrolyze? Or have they replaced it with Char?
This is a deck that I feel has been doing pretty well lately and one that I feel deserves a little bit more
press than it has gotten thus far. Seeing as you are one of the only ones that regularly covers Standard for this here
website type thingy, I figure you are probably the best one to ask to give it a little more press.
You’re right, Sebio10 from Starcitygames.com forums! Yes, the Ninja Stompy deck has been steadily growing in
popularity. I shall see if I can’t dredge up a decklist or two to write about neck week. It seems that most builds
are running the Trygon Predator to help them win the war in the battle for Jitte supremacy. Anyway, that’s enough
about that, let’s throw the price tracking list up for people to have a wee nosey at.
The numbers shown, for instance, as 2-4 are the price people are buying the card for, followed by the price
people are selling the card for. The prices shown in parenthesis, like this (2-4), are the prices from last
week. If a card and its prices have been bolded, it’s because there has been a change in price from the week
before to help you differentiate those cards from the others that are a little more… static in their
movements. Card prices are in Tickets, because that’s what most people buy and sell with on Magic Online. Also
note that prices can fluctuate based on the time of day as well, depending on just how many people are online selling at
the time. Due to my uniquely antipodean location down here in the Pacific, and my tendency to hold down a regular nine
to five job, the prices below end up being more of a general indication of what’s going on than an exact science.
Pithing Needle 16-17 (15-18)
Umezawa’s Jitte 7-8 (7-9)
Vampiric Tutor 20-28 (20-28)
Cranial Extraction 4-6 (4-6)
Dark Confidant 3-4 (3-4)
Meloku the Clouded Mirror 3-5 (4-5)
Keiga, the Tide Star 3-5 (3-5)
Simic Sky Swallower 6-7 (6-8)
Voidslime 5-6 (5-6)
Giant Solifuge 3-5 (3-5)
Loxodon Hierarch 3-4 (3-4)
Burning-Tree Shaman 3-4 (3-4)
Ghost Council of Orzhova 2-4 (2-4)
Birds of Paradise 4-5 (3-5)
Heartbeat of Spring 2-4 (3-4)
Early Harvest 3-4 (3-4)
Demonfire 4-5 (4-5)
Wildfire 3-4 (3-4)
Magnivore 2-4 (2-4)
Wrath of God 9-11 (8-10)
Paladin en-Vec 5-7 (5-6)
Yosei, the Morning Star 3-5 (3-5)
Breeding Pool 14-15 (14-16)
Hallowed Fountain 10-11 (10-12)
Shivan Reef 8-10 (9-10)
Steam Vents 8-10 (9-10)
Blood Crypt 8-9 (8-9)
Godless Shrine 7-9 (8-9)
Stomping Ground 7-9 (7-9)
Yavimaya Coast 6-8 (5-7)
Caves of Koilos 6-7 (5-7)
Watery Grave 5-6 (5-6)
Temple Garden 5-6 (5-6)
Overgrown Tomb 5-6 (5-6)
Adarkar Wastes 4-6 (5-7)
Forge[/author]“]Battlefield [author name="Forge"]Forge[/author] 4-6 (5-6)
Sacred Foundry 4-6 (5-6)
Llanowar Wastes 4-5 (4-5)
Karplusan Forest 4-5 (4-5)
Underground River 3-5 (4-5)
Brushland 3-5 (3-5)
Sulfurous Springs 3-5 (3-5)
It’s always nice to see that the newer Ravnica Block Duals are slowly dropping down to a more manageable
price. Other than Steam Vents, which is excepted due to it being in a bunch of good decks, it seems that the Guildpact
Dual Lands are at least now down to around the same price as the Ravnica ones.
Anyway, I’d best be off once more. I’ll catch you all next week!
* Arse is so much the better word than “ass” it’s not even funny. Well, except that it is, which
is why it’s the better word.
** Although it has footnotes, so you could be mistaken.