I Spy With My Preview Eye Join Andrew, Brad, and Todd for another rundown of Magic! They wrap up the weekend, debate about the Spymaster himself, and talk about the first previews from Journey into Nyx! By Above The Curve April 11, 2014 Share Tweet Reddit Email Copy Link Link copied! Four-Color Delver Eric Rill 1st Place at Star City Games Legacy Open on 04-06-2014 Legacy Creatures (13) 1 Edric, Spymaster of Trest4 Delver of Secrets4 Deathrite Shaman4 Young Pyromancer Lands (18) 4 Wasteland3 Volcanic Island2 Underground Sea2 Tropical Island1 Polluted Delta1 Flooded Strand1 Misty Rainforest4 Scalding Tarn Spells (29) 4 Brainstorm4 Lightning Bolt4 Force of Will4 Daze4 Stifle4 Ponder4 Gitaxian Probe1 Fire Sideboard 4 Cabal Therapy2 Pyroblast1 Misdirection2 Submerge1 Life from the Loam1 Ancient Grudge1 Marsh Casualties2 Surgical Extraction1 Mizzium Skin Share Tweet Reddit Email Copy Link Link copied!