
Drafting With Rich – Shards of Alara #12

Draft With Rich Hoaen every day... at StarCityGames.com!
Friday, November 28th – Canadian Draft maestro Rich Hoaen returns to the pages of StarCityGames.com. Each day, he brings us a triple Shards of Alara draft from Magic Online, from pick 1 to pick 45, sharing his insight on the more difficult picks along the way. For more in-depth analysis, visit the forums!

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This draft converter created by Benjamin Peebles-Mundy.
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Magma Spray
Woolly Thoctar
Branching Bolt
Steward of Valeron
2 Druid of the Anima
Gift of the Gargantuan
Realm Razer
2 Mosstodon
Naya Battlemage
2 Oblivion Ring
Bloodpyre Elemental
2 Sigil Blessing
Welkin Guide
Yoked Plowbeast
Sigil Blessing
Rakeclaw Gargantuan
Elvish Visionary
Incurable Ogre
2 Naya Panorama
8 Forest
4 Plains
3 Mountain

Another fairly simple draft. I don’t think there were many interesting picks. I’m not a big fan of big expensive dudes so I took removal spells over Godsire and Spearbreaker Behemoth. I’m not sure where but I probably could’ve set things up so my manabase would be slightly better than basically having a double splash. Although that was helped by getting the second Naya Panorama quite late.

I won the first round against another Naya deck. Game 1 he had a quick start Wild Nacatl on turn 1 but I O-Ringed it then started playing superior creatures. It only took a couple Mosstodon hits Welkin Guided then Sigil Blessinged to finish him. Game 2 he stumbled on mana and I played Realm Razer on turn 5 to his empty board.

Round 2 I played against a good Bant deck. I won the first game easily with a turn 2 elf turn 3 Thoctar Oblivion Ring on turn 4 and Realm Razer on turn 5. Games 2 and 3 I got flooded. I lost the second game to Angelic Benediction preventing me from blocking effectively and the third game to a giant Feral Hydra. Either game would’ve been very different if I had an additional spell or two. Even a late game Druid of the Anima would’ve swung it.

Until Monday…
