
Drafting With Olivier – Shards/Conflux/Reborn #25

Draft with Olivier Ruel... at StarCityGames.com!
Friday, July 24th – Hall of Famer Olivier Ruel takes us through an 8-4 draft queue on Magic Online. He shares some comprehensive thoughts about both the picks and the games, and talks us through each step of the way! If you’re looking to improve your Limited game, this is the article series for you!

Pack 1 pick 1:

My Pick:

Ordinary I’d pick Magma Spray but Woolly Thoctar is one of the very few reasons to consider going Naya so I’ll give it a try.

Pack 1 pick 2:

My Pick:

One of the other very few reasons.

Pack 1 pick 3:

My Pick:

Rockslide Elemental is good in Grixis and Jund in which it is a lot more synergic while it doesn’t do much in Naya. Court Archers is much more reliable.

Pack 1 pick 4:

My Pick:

From what I’ve been passed so far I’ve the feeling my right neighbor is probably Esper. In this case it will be hard to have an efficient WG based deck. I feel like trying something a little different: a RG based deck.

Also I like picking Rares when I’m hesitating between two cards because you don’t get many opportunities to test them. Here I’m really curious to know how good Thunder is.

Pack 1 pick 5:

My Pick:

I’d have picked the Thoctar one pick earlier but these two picks make this draft look pretty interesting.

Pack 1 pick 6:

My Pick:

Weeee! Well I’m not even sure white is a splash anymore; a RG beatdown deck could be efficient enough after all.

Pack 1 pick 7:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 8:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 9:

My Pick:

Could be good if I was to change my mind.

Pack 1 pick 10:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 11:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 12:

My Pick:

A little slow but with my Unearth guys and pump spell(s) combo extra lands won’t necessarily hurt.

Pack 1 pick 13:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 14:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 15:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 1:

My Pick:

Hellspark is fun – Hellspark couldn’t fit a deck any better – but Wild Leotau is still much better.

Pack 2 pick 2:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 3:

My Pick:

I know pack two is not going to be great anyway. All I expect from him is a curve.

Pack 2 pick 4:

My Pick:

I guess I could get a few Black permanents in pack three (Blade Borderpost) but two-drops are more neccessary in the deck I’m drafting. Even if it’s mediocre a two-mana two-power guy is still a two-mana two-power guy.

Pack 2 pick 5:

My Pick:

The sideboard card or the one I don’t want to face? I go with the latter but both choices are okay.

Pack 2 pick 6:

My Pick:


Pack 2 pick 7:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 8:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 9:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 10:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 11:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 12:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 13:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 14:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 15:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 1:

My Pick:

The pump spell is the best common I could get for my deck. Also Mage Slayer is very likely to wheel and could be pretty good in my deck.

Pack 3 pick 2:

” “ARB”);’>

My Pick:

I won’t be playing Valley Rannet or Trace of Abundance as they are just not good in a two-color deck.

Pack 3 pick 3:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 4:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 5:

My Pick:

A removal spell finally.

Pack 3 pick 6:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 7:

” “ARB”);’>

My Pick:

I thought this was the one I had passed otherwise I would have counterdrafted the Borderpost.

Pack 3 pick 8:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 9:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 10:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 11:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 12:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 13:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 14:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 15:

My Pick:

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9 Mountain
8 Forest
2 Toxic Iguanar
2 Tukatongue Thallid
1 Naya Hushblade
1 Nacatl Outlander
1 Jund Hackblade
1 Nacatl Savage
2 Hell’s Thunder
2 Court Archers
1 Wild Leotau
1 Canyon Minotaur

2 Colossal Might
1 Sangrite Backlash
1 Resounding Roar
1 Rip-Clan Crasher
1 Maniacal Rage
1 Mage Slayer
1 Quenchable Fire
1 Sangrite Surge

1 Glassdust Hulk
1 Mountain
1 Valley Rannet
1 Mountain
1 Bull Cerodon
1 Sunseed Nurturer
1 Scornful ther-Lich
1 Pestilent Kathari
1 Parasitic Strix
1 Absorb Vis
1 Terminate
1 Mage Slayer
1 Reborn Hope
1 Forest
1 Spell Snip
2 Island
1 Gift of the Gargantuan
1 Keeper of Progenitus
1 Swamp
2 Flurry of Wings
1 Woolly Thoctar

Card Power: 2
One point per Colossal Might.

Mana Curve: 10
Looks like a Constructed curve. I can play almost all my deck with 2 Mountains and a Forest.

Synergy: 8
Haste guys early drops Pump spells direct damage… the deck is very basic but cards go pretty well together.

Stability: 8
It’s almost impossible to be land screwed with this deck and in case of land flood I can still use the lands with my equipment and my two Hell’s Thunder. I actually regret I didn’t have one or two more playables to play instead of a land and of Sangrite Surge. But I guess that going RG it’s normal to have trouble fitting 23 playables.

Round 1: Antoine Ruel Jund

Antoine happened to be in my draft and I have to face him in the first round. From what he’s telling me his deck is pretty good. Turn 2 Putrid Leech – argh this couldn’t start any worse. However Antoine races and pumps his Leech repeatedly and ends up dying to a Colossal Might. My draw in game two is pretty bad and he has Leech on turn 2 again. This time he has understood that his chances are probably better than mine in a long game so he is much less offensive-minded. However when I actually draw my 6th land I can play Mage slayer and start the suicide attacks with Tukatongue Thallid (pumped by Court Archers) its token then with my second Tukatongue Thallid. However those plays cost me time mana and permanents so he has quite a big advantage on the board and is two attack phases from killing me. He is on 6 I have Quenchable Fire but he has Rupture Spire on the board! There will be a third game.

The decisive game looks a lot like the previous one. He has Leech again on turn 3 this time and I go through many bad looking attacks to deal him damage and for him to activate his Leech. When he is on 10 life I move all in and pump my only unblocked guy with Resounding Roar. My board is a tapped Toxic Iguanar he has three guys and probably thinks he has the game but this time he has no Rupture Spire and dies to Quenchable Fire on the following turn.

Round 2: Naya

He doesn’t do much in the early turns and his turn 4 Rhox Brute turn 5 Rakeclaw Gargantuan would have been a lot more impressive with guys on turns 2 and 3. Instead of that he is on 3 life when he eventually stops my beating and I’ve 5 or 6 turns to find any finisher (Quenchable Fire Mage Slayer 2x Colossal Might 2x Hell’s Thunder). It takes me two to draw Might and take on the first game. In the second things are about as fast as I have double Hell’s Thunder. When I Unearth the first one he concedes. I love two-card combos which deal 16 damage.

Final: Bant

In the first game my opening hand has a Forest a Mountain and two Hell’s Thunder. I’m super excited but when he swings for the fourth time with Rhox War Monk and I’ve 5 Forest and 1 Mountain I calm down a little. In game 2 I mulligan to 5 and face a turn 2 Esper Stormblade turn 3 Rhox War Monk turn 4 Leonin Armorguard turn 5 Welkin Guide draw. I wish I could tell you about turn 6 but I didn’t get that far.

Until Monday…
