
Drafting With Olivier – Shards/Conflux/Reborn #19

Draft with Olivier Ruel... at StarCityGames.com!
Friday, July 10th – Hall of Famer Olivier Ruel takes us through an 8-4 draft queue on Magic Online. He shares some comprehensive thoughts about both the picks and the games, and talks us through each step of the way! If you’re looking to improve your Limited game, this is the article series for you!

  Pack 1 pick 1:

  My Pick:

Ring fits many more archetypes but Branching Bolt is a better card. I’d say the enchantment is the safest pick but I haven’t drafted as many RG based deck as white decks in the format so far – it’s not even close – so I feel like trying it.

  Pack 1 pick 2:

  My Pick:

Much easier to fit in the same deck as Bolt instead of Cerodon or Infest even if those two cards are a little better.

  Pack 1 pick 3:

  My Pick:

  Pack 1 pick 4:

  My Pick:

Many good cards but the Beetle is one level above everything else here.

  Pack 1 pick 5:

  My Pick:

Jund is difficult to draft because you never know what will be its core. If it’s RG or GB the Druid is pretty good while if it’s RB or three colors Scourge Devil is better. The clock drops close to zero when I go for the Elf but the Devil was probably a good pick too.

  Pack 1 pick 6:

  My Pick:

Two great cards meant this was a damned hard pick. I’ve talked about this pick for a while with Manu B afterwards. He told me this:

Necrogenesis I think… but I’m not sure. People on MTGO aren’t drafting decks against which Infest is great.”

I gave some thought and eventually agreed. To me the most aggressive decks in the format are the most efficient and most of my 3-0 performances come from White decks or at least from decks very vulnerable to Infest. However I feel like I never face those decks online where people seem to worship Forest/Mountain based decks. In my next draft I’ll give a little less value to Infest Jund Charm and Volcanic Fallout.

One last point I will realize later in this draft: Landcyler guys are cards I don’t pick very high in general but Necrogenesis actually makes them good.

  Pack 1 pick 7:

  My Pick:

Gift and Thrash would make it to the main deck but I won’t go anywhere without fixers.

  Pack 1 pick 8:

  My Pick:

  Pack 1 pick 9:

  My Pick:

  Pack 1 pick 10:

  My Pick:

  Pack 1 pick 11:

  My Pick:

  Pack 1 pick 12:

  My Pick:

  Pack 1 pick 13:

  My Pick:

  Pack 1 pick 14:

  My Pick:

  Pack 1 pick 15:

  My Pick:

  Pack 2 pick 1:

  My Pick:

I’ve never played the card yet but I’ve faced it many times and almost always lost to it.

  Pack 2 pick 2:

  My Pick:

Might of Alara is not good in a non-aggro deck. Also Razerunners and Infest push me to give my deck a RB core.

  Pack 2 pick 3:

  My Pick:

  Pack 2 pick 4:

  My Pick:

Amazing with Yoke Scavenger Drake and of course Kresh.

  Pack 2 pick 5:

  My Pick:

My number of guys seems decent my number of playables too… I can allow myself to pick Disorder over a second Minotaur.

  Pack 2 pick 6:

  My Pick:

I don’t have enough synergic cards to want to play a second Yoke while pack 3 should give me a few Blue permanents.

  Pack 2 pick 7:

  My Pick:

  Pack 2 pick 8:

  My Pick:

  Pack 2 pick 9:

  My Pick:

  Pack 2 pick 10:

  My Pick:

  Pack 2 pick 11:

  My Pick:

  Pack 2 pick 12:

  My Pick:

  Pack 2 pick 13:

  My Pick:

  Pack 2 pick 14:

  My Pick:

  Pack 2 pick 15:

  My Pick:

  Pack 3 pick 1:

  My Pick:

If the deck wasn’t RB based I’d pick the Leech but I don’t want too many Green early drops so I’d rather go with the Regrowth.

  Pack 3 pick 2:

  My Pick:

My first two picks combine very nicely.

  Pack 3 pick 3:

  My Pick:

Valley Rannet would help my mana but Sewn Eye Drake is a Blue permanent for Alchemist and a good card anyway.

  Pack 3 pick 4:

  My Pick:

With a pair of Blue permanents the Alchemist actually is a good card now.

  Pack 3 pick 5:

  My Pick:

Slighlty less good than the Grixis blade but easier to cast as well. As my deck is pretty good stability is what I’m looking for at the moment.

  Pack 3 pick 6:

  My Pick:

  Pack 3 pick 7:

  My Pick:

Nothing I’d use so I just pick the most annoying card.

  Pack 3 pick 8:

  My Pick:

  Pack 3 pick 9:

  My Pick:

Well if they do insist maybe I’ll make an effort and play it.

  Pack 3 pick 10:

  My Pick:

  Pack 3 pick 11:

  My Pick:

  Pack 3 pick 12:

  My Pick:

  Pack 3 pick 13:

  My Pick:

  Pack 3 pick 14:

  My Pick:

  Pack 3 pick 15:

  My Pick:

This draft converter created by Benjamin Peebles-Mundy.
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7 Swamp
7 Mountain
3 Forest
1 Jund Panorama

1 Putrid Leech
1 Blister Beetle
1 Jund Hackblade
1 Goblin Outlander
1 Scarland Thrinax
1 Sedraxis Alchemist
1 Kathari Bomber
1 Goblin Razerunners
1 Scavenger Drake
2 Sewn-Eye Drake
1 Canyon Minotaur
1 Kresh the Bloodbraided
1 Magma Spray
2 Ignite Disorder
1 Terminate
1 Yoke of the Damned
1 Infest
1 Branching Bolt
1 Bituminous Blast
1 Vengeful Rebirth

1 Swamp
1 Mountain
1 Bone Saw
2 Monstrous Carabid
1 Sludge Strider
1 Forest
1 Soul Manipulation
2 Forest
1 Anathemancer
1 Anathemancer
1 Resounding Scream
1 Blightning
1 Elder Mastery
1 Bone Splinters
2 Rotting Rats
1 Druid of the Anima
1 Grixis Sojourners
1 Sangrite Surge
1 Kranioceros

Razerunners Kresh Infest Bituminous Blast Vengeful Rebirth Terminate Magma Spray… that’s a lot of cards I wouldn’t mind first picking.

SYNERGY: 6 (7 against a White deck)
Even though I’ve lots of combos Magma Spray is not magic with Kresh and Yoke and the pair of Ignite Disorders are fantastic if I’m playing against the right deck but it is awful otherwise.

It’s a little too high and out of my too-few early drops two are Green.

Even though the mana is okay I can’t seriously call my deck very stable when two of my cards could end up being mulligans. Of course the deck should not lose versus a W or a U mage and almost every deck has a few targets for these. But if they don’t draw them two of my cards go to waste.

ROUND 1: Grixis

In the first game I take a mulligan and am stucked on two Swamps. His spectacular draw (turn 4 Grixis Sojourners turn 5 Scourge Devil) is more than enough as my first move comes only on turn 5 when I play Putrid Leech. He attacks with his 4/3 only and then plays Sangrite Backlash on my 2/2 in his second main phase. I can’t find a land on my next draw and game 1 is over.

I take out the 2 disorders for Bone Splinters and a Rotting Rats.

The second game starts just like the first with a mulligan and a bad draw but this time I’ve lands to pick up a fight. His start is much faster than mine but I manage to kill two guys with Infest and to almost stabilize the board. At this point life totals are 8-16 he has Viscera Dragger on the table and three cards in hand while I’ve Jund Hackblade on the board and Bituminous Blast in hand. Drawing many more lands that him (8 vs 5) didn’t help but I’m still in the game thanks to my broken card in hand. I hope he draws a land but when he instantly taps his five lands going into his main phase seems to be a clear signal that he didn’t. Sphinx Summoner… sure I haven’t seen any artifact so far… searching for… Etherium Abomination.

Okay I’m officially in big trouble. I draw Rotting Rats which won’t help much and attack with my Blade hoping he will block with Sphinx and I reveal either a gold permanent or Blister Beetle to Bituminous Blast. He blocks I play my removal on the Zombie and cascade into Terminate That works just fine too. My Rat is not that bad as is it will get rid of one of his spells and I get… a second Dragger.

He plays Abomination without much of a surprise I draw a land which forces me to stay in defense and chumpblock as he unearths both his 3/3 while I’m on 5. When I unearth my Rat on the following turn and he discards a 5/1 haste which would kill me I understand I’m in even more trouble than I thought and that the Kathari Bomber I just drew won’t be as much of an help as I had hoped for. He untaps and plays Terminate confirming my fears and advances to round 2.

Until Monday…
