Daily Financial Value Of Born Of The Gods (1/20)

Four new Born of the Gods rares/mythics were spoiled overnight, and a few mythics have gone up in price. Read all about it in this article by SCG General Manager Ben Bleiweiss.

Hello everyone and welcome back to my daily series of financial articles about Born of the Gods. Four new rares/mythics were spoiled overnight, and a few mythics have gone up in price. Let’s delve into the new cards right away!

How I review:

Starting Price: The first price we assign to this card as a preorder.
Current Price: The current price of the card by the time this article goes live.
Future Price – Short Term: The price I believe this card will be at before Magic Online redemptions go live for Born of the Gods.
Future Price – Medium Term: The price I believe this card will be at by the time the next set (Journey into Nyx) comes out.
Future Price – Long Term: The price I believe this card will be at a year from now when the next winter set is released (name unknown still).


Starting Price: $4

Current Price: $4

Future Price (Short Term): $3

Future Price (Medium Term): $2

Future Price (Long Term): $2

This set is full of a lot of cards that are going to be worth money to casual players in a few years but just won’t have the demand to exceed supply while they are in print. Chromanticore is one of those cards—WUBRG mana-cost cards have generally been flops (very hard to cast). Chromanticore actually suffers in value because it’s not legendary (not a commander for you!) and also from having first strike instead of haste as the “red” ability. Would probably offload these now.

Herald of Torment

Starting Price: $1.50

Current Price: $1.50

Future Price (Short Term): $1

Future Price (Medium Term): $1

Future Price (Long Term): $1

It kills me to say “not good enough,” but Herald of Torment is “not good enough.” It has to compete with a lot of cards in the three-drop spot for black decks (Pack Rat, Nightveil Specter, Lifebane Zombie, Underworld Connections, Read the Bones), and I don’t know that this is better than any of those cards for that deck. It’s large and efficient, but it just doesn’t have a deck it can call home right now. Maybe if there’s a mono-black beatdown deck in Standard’s future, but for now pass on it.

Heroes’ Podium

Starting Price: $2

Current Price: $2

Future Price (Short Term): $1.50

Future Price (Medium Term): $1

Future Price (Long Term): $2

Coat of Arms like effects have traditionally been huge value gainers in the long term (see: Coat of Arms, Door of Destinies). Heroes’ Podium combines Coat of Arms with card drawing, so it should be worth significantly more in the future than it is while in Standard. This is one I would stockpile when it bottoms out because it will go up in value two or three years down the road.

Spirit of the Labyrinth

Starting Price: $5

Current Price: $5

Future Price (Short Term): $6

Future Price (Medium Term): $3

Future Price (Long Term): $2

A good hate bear, but most hate bears these days end up in the $2-$3 range unless they are “great” hate bears. Right now I’d sell into the hype and pick them back up again in two or three months when they’re half their current price.


Instead of putting the changes here, I’ll note them below under the “pack value” section since I’m already listing prior and current values there.

Pack Value

I started this feature last Wednesday and will be continuing it with every update!

To determine the value of a booster pack, I’m going to start with the following formula:

(2R + 1M) / 80

That isn’t enough of a picture though. In fairness, $0.50-$1 bulk rares don’t really amount to “real” value if you’re looking to trade with other players. So I’m omitting the value of any rare that is below $2 (rounded from $1.99) and any mythic that is below $4 (rounded from $3.99).

Yet again three more rares were spoiled today, and two breached the $2 threshold to be included on this list. Now 20 out of 35 Born of the God rares have been spoiled. Seven of them top the $2 mark:

Hero of Iroas: $2
Heroes’ Podium: $2
Pain Seer: $12
Spirit of the Labyrinth: $5
Temple of Enlightenment: $5
Temple of Malice: $5
Temple of Plenty: $5

Total Rare Value: $36

All but one of the mythic rares have been spoiled. One falls in the “bulk” range (Champion of Stray Souls). Mogis has risen $2 to $15. Here are the others:

Brimaz, King of Oreskos: $25 (up from $20)
Chromanticore: $4
Ephara, God of the Polis: $10
Flame-Wreathed Phoenix: $10
Karametra, God of Harvests: $10
Kiora, the Crashing Wave: $30
Mogis, God of Slaughter: $20 (up from $15)
Xenagos, God of Revels: $25 (up from $20)

Total Mythic Value: $134

So plugging this into the formula, we get the following:

(2R ($72) + 1M ($134) = $206

$206 /80 = $2.57 value per pack, or $92.70 per box.

See you all tomorrow!

  • Ben Bleiweiss
  • General Manager, StarCityGames.com

Previous Daily Financial Value Of Born Of The Gods Articles

January 17, Friday – Part 2: Brimaz, King of Oreskos; Fate Unraveler; Fated Infatuation; Felhide Spiritbinder

January 17, Friday – Part 1: Karametra, God of Harvests; Xenagos, God of Revels

January 15, Wednesday: Champion of Stray Souls, Fated Conflagration, Fated Intervention, Mindreaver, Tromokratis

January 14, Tuesday: Arbiter of the Ideal; Eater of Hope; Flame-Wreathed Phoenix; Forgestoker Dragon; Hero of Iroas; Mogis, God of Slaughter; Nessian Wilds Ravager; Silent Sentinel

January 13, Monday: Ephara, God of the Polis; Kiora, the Crashing Wave; Pain Seer; Temple of Enlightenment; Temple of Malice; Temple of Plenty