
Daily Digest: Scales-Go For The New Format

If you watched coverage last weekend, you may have caught a lot of +1/+1 counters littering the battlefield! If you’re a dice-enthusiast that wants to play a wild game at #SCGATL, here you go!

A Hardened Scales-based G/W Aggro deck debuted at Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir in the hands of Ken Yukihiro, but hasn’t really made an impact since then. With fewer cards in the format, Hardened Scales might be able to compete. Michael Majors already showed that G/W is a force, so there’s no reason that another flavor of G/W can’t be competitive.

This deck has a low land count and is more focused on being the aggressor. It uses early creatures like Servant of the Scale and Avatar of the Resolute to get in early damage. Valorous Stance and Dromoka’s Command clear the way, but the underplayed Feat of Resistance helps in that regard also. Abzan Falconer is your big way to push through though. Inspiring Call is a great fun-of that helps against sweepers and allows you to refuel.

In games without Hardened Scales, you’ll be playing more of a fair game, but when you draw Hardened Scales, I imagine it’s difficult to lose. It’s the card that makes your deck truly unfair, but you can definitely win without it.

G/W has some nice sideboard options with Arashin Cleric and Surge of Righteousness for Atarka Red, Plummet for Mantis Rider and Kolaghan, Inspiring Call for Crux of Fate, and Gideon, Ally of Zendikar for control decks. For a Week 1 deck, this deck looks very well-tuned!