
Daily Digest: Rhinos Loose In The Zoo!

If you’ve got the manbase and you’ve got the teeth, GerryT can safely recommend this beast for the $5,000 Modern Premier IQ at #SCGCOL this weekend!

I’ve been playing Abzan in Modern lately, but this deck might be better.

I always liked the Zoo decks that were a little more robust. Each threat was scary, not some piddly Kird Ape, and you were never drawing dead to certain
cards. This deck has a plethora of answers and each threat is incredibly powerful, curving all the way up to Siege Rhino.

Are the full five colors worth it? I think so, as Tribal Flames gives you a reasonable finisher and another removal spell for creatures like Tarmogoyf and
Siege Rhino that might stand in your way. Your sideboard options are great and you even get to play stuff like Abrupt Decay and Bant Charm.

This deck might have it all.