
Daily Digest: Japanese Dragons

Japanese Magic has always been great at innovating, and this weekend’s Grand Prix was no different! GerryT highlights the breakout list before #SCGWOR’s $5,000 Standard Premier IQ!

The Japanese have always been known for their innovation, and at the latest Grand Prix, they did not disappoint. Former pro Stuart Wright has been playing a similar deck online and pretty much killing it, so it’s no surprise to see a similar deck killing it. 

Yuuya’s combines the power of Deathmist Raptor and Den Protector with (almost) all the Dragonlords. It might seem like an unlikely combination, but Deathmist Raptor can buy you a lot of time, which you kinda need when you’re trying to cast some six-mana spells. Foul-Tongue Invocation also helps. 

Atarka Red seems like the nightmare matchup, but there’s a lot of hate for that deck in the sideboard. If you expect a lot of midrange decks, there’s not really a better place to be.