
Daily Digest: In Good Company

Looking for a creature strategy but can’t figure out which colors you want? With this Standard’s manabase configurations, you don’t have to choose! Splash what you want at #SCGATL!

We have better manabases than perhaps ever before, plus things like Beastcaller Savant, so let’s play a bunch of colors!

Once we decide to be green-based with all the best threats, I think a Temur/Jeskai mashup is a good choice. The hasty combination of Mantis Rider and
Savage Knuckleblade is a nice one, especially since both creatures can be found with Collected Company. Woodland Wanderer is one of the best fatties we’ve
seen in a while, but we can’t overload on them because of Collected Company.

In order to fill out our curve, we need to play some early mono-colored threats. They’re a little weaker than our bigger threats, but it’s necessary in
order to curve out. Heir of the Wilds isn’t that bad in a field of big green monsters since it will often trade up, and Den Protector can give you value
later. Even your early drops feel powerful!

The coolest part of this deck is the use of seldom seen cards such as Bounding Krasis and Yasova Dragonclaw! Those cards are perfectly reasonable, but they
haven’t really had a home until now. Temur hasn’t exactly been a huge player the past year, but when you get to splash the powerful Temur cards, suddenly
Savage Knuckleblade starts seeing play.

I like this deck a lot, but I’m surprised to not see any Lumbering Falls. That card seems particularly useful here, but it doesn’t mesh well with a
four-color manabase built with Battle lands. That said, it could easily replace the Yavimaya Coasts if you wanted some resiliency against slower decks.