
Daily Digest: I Like Big Butts (Vol. 2): Baby Got (Leather)Back

#SCGMKE’s $5,000 Modern Premier IQ is about to get stomped! If you want to keep it simple, keep it budget, keep it very little kid, GerryT presents the deck you’re looking for!

If you’re reading this, I hope you enjoy casting the fastest creatures you can on every part of the curve, shrug off Lightning Bolts, and making your
opponent wonder how they lost to a pile of uncommons plus Collected Company. If that’s not for you, I’ve got bad news for you — You will probably lose to
this deck sometime in the near future.

In order to play something like Kalonian Tusker instead of the mighty Tarmogoyf, you better have a pretty good reason. If that reason is a pile of
creatures and pump spells, then consider me sold. Your Tarmogoyfs probably wouldn’t be very large, and Kalonian Tusker lets you double up (UH UH) on pips
for Aspect of Hydra. You could also probably trade a Tarmogoyf for this entire deck. The cost is small and its curve is kickin’.

The incidental disruption for Splinter Twin decks is certainly welcome. Remember that Vines of Vastwood can target your opponent’s creatures, making them
unable to be enchanted with Splinter Twin. A couple removal spells to punch through big blockers is nice, and Dismember continues to do its job, which is
give decks like Mono-Green a removal spell that they definitely shouldn’t have access to.

Despite being a Mono-Green deck, this deck actually has a pretty nice sideboard too. Choke can catch many people by surprise, especially since they
probably think they can safely tap out against a Mono-Green deck. After all, what’s the worst that can happen? Relic of Progenitus harasses Tarmogoyf and
Snapcaster Mage along with various graveyard-based combo decks. Creeping Corrosion and Back to Nature are powerhouses in their respectable matchups, while
Deglamer helps solve any Cranial Plating or Wurmcoil Engine issues.

If you think this deck will lose, dial 1-900-LTHRBAK and kick them nasty thoughts.